Hosted by Joel Spolsky with Jay Hanlon and David Fullerton, the Stack Overflow podcast lets you listen in on discussions and decisions about the Stack Exchange Network. The Stack Overflow podcast gives you an unparalleled view into how a startup is created and built. About Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is the flagship property of a fast-growing network of over 100 question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming. We are an expert knowledge exchange: a place where physics researchers can ask each other about quantum entanglement, computer programmers can ask about JavaScript date formats, and photographers can share knowledge about taking great pictures in the snow.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2025-01-14 | Postman is an API development platform that lets developers prototype, document, test, and demo all their APIs in one place.Postman’s cofounder and CEO recently wrote about the rise of agentic AI.Find Sterling on LinkedIn. Shoutout to Stack Overflow us... |
2025-01-10 |
“Data is the key”: Twilio’s Head of R&D on the need for good data Twilio, a communication platform as a service (CPaaS), allows developers to build voice, video, and messaging capabilities into their apps. Devs can get started with their docs.Find Inbal on LinkedIn.Kudos to Stack Overflow user Wesos de Queso for expl... |
2025-01-08 | To learn more about technology or careers at Intuit, visit Want to read more about rapid prototyping at Intuit?To connect with Himanshu, find him on LinkedIn. |
2025-01-07 | Polly is an embedded insurance company, which means you buy the insurance for a car or house at the same time as you buy the car or house itself. Redux is a state management library for JavaScript. We’ve talked about the productivity drains that meeti... |
2025-01-03 | Jetify gives developers a cloud environment for building AI powered applications. Check out their blog or explore Jetify Cloud, a suite of managed services designed to make software development easier for teams.Daniel is on LinkedIn. Stack Overflow use... |
2024-12-31 | In this episode: Whether AI coding tools are making your code worse, how AI can improve pull requests, building software through prompt engineering, using AI to write cleaner code, and what we can expect from this technology in 2025 and beyond. Listen ... |
2024-12-27 | In this episode: The birth of React, how the world’s biggest open-source business is leveraging LLMs, the creator of Jenkins on CI/CD, the creator of Node.js and Deno on open-source evolution, and an open-source development paradigm.Listen to the full ... |
2024-12-24 | In this episode: Why developers need to upskill faster than ever, the relationship between stock prices and layoffs, how the job market for developers has changed, and the evolution of engineering roles post-GenAI.Listen to the full versions:The half-l... |
2024-12-20 |
“I wanted to play with computers”: a chat with a new Stack Overflow engineer Adora is the author of Cloud Engineering for Beginners, Beginning Azure DevOps, and Confident Cloud.She’s also the founder and executive director of NexaScale, an ed-tech non profit that offers educational support and simulated work experiences for ent... |
2024-12-17 | Alexi leverages AI to streamline litigation workflows and speed up research, with an eye to giving lawyers more time and energy to devote to client strategy and support. Find Mark on LinkedIn. Shoutout to Stack Overflow user ycr for dropping some knowl... |