Hosted by Joel Spolsky with Jay Hanlon and David Fullerton, the Stack Overflow podcast lets you listen in on discussions and decisions about the Stack Exchange Network. The Stack Overflow podcast gives you an unparalleled view into how a startup is created and built. About Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is the flagship property of a fast-growing network of over 100 question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming. We are an expert knowledge exchange: a place where physics researchers can ask each other about quantum entanglement, computer programmers can ask about JavaScript date formats, and photographers can share knowledge about taking great pictures in the snow.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2024-09-06 |
The creator of Jenkins discusses CI/CD and balancing business with open source You can learn more about Kohsuke on his website.You can read more about Jenkins here.You can read more about Cloudbees here.Shout to Mossmyr for contributing a question that's now part of our CI/CD Collective: Is there a way to call a Jenkins Shared L... |
2024-09-03 | Pradeep talks about building at global scale and preparing for inevitable system failures. He talks about extra layers of security, including viewing your own VMs as untrustworthy. And he lays out where he thinks the world of cloud computing is headed ... |
2024-08-30 | You can learn more about Austin on LinkedIn and check out a blog he wrote on building the SDK for Open Telemetry here.You can find Austin at the CNCF Slack community, in the OTel SIG channel, or the client-side SIG channels. The calendar is public on o... |
2024-08-27 |
Where does Postgres fit in a world of GenAI and vector databases? For the last two years, Postgres has been the most popular database among respondents to our Annual Developer Survey. Timescale is a startup working on an open-source PostgreSQEL stack for AI applications. You can follow the company on X and check out ... |
2024-08-23 |
From PHP to JavaScript to Kubernetes: how backend engineering evolved You can learn more about Geshan on his website or check him out on LinkedIn.Geshan also shared the slide decks for a few of his talks on serverless and containers.Congrats to Stack Overflow user Matthew Reed for earning a populist badge with his answer... |
2024-08-20 | If you’ve never seen it, check out Ryan’s classic talk, 10 Things I Regret About Node.JS, which gives a great overview of the reasons he felt compelled to create Deno.You can learn more about Ryan on Wikipedia, his website, and his Github page.To learn... |
2024-08-16 |
Battling ticket bots and untangling taxes at the frontiers of e-commerce You can find Ilya on LinkedIn here.You can listen to Ilya talk about Commerce Components here, a system he describes as a "modern way to approach your commerce architecture without reducing it to a (false) binary choice between microservices and monoli... |
2024-08-13 | Coalesce is a solution to transform data at scale. You can find Satish on LinkedIn. We previously spoke to Satish for a Q&A on the blog: AI is only as good as the data: Q&A with Satish Jayanthi of CoalesceWe previously covered metadata on the b... |
2024-08-09 | Read Dan’s blog post about the process of making Stack Overflow more accessible.We followed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), with a few exceptions. For example, we chose to measure color contrast using the Accessible Perceptual Contrast... |
2024-08-06 | Read the blog post or dive into the results of our 2024 Developer Survey.A few highlights to get you started: most popular technologies,most admired and desired programming languages,feelings about/use of AI coding tools, andwhat we know about the glob... |