Relentless Health Value

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  EP465: The Not Super Effective Contracting Industry Norm, Where Jumbo Plans and Others Wind Up Paying $10,000 for $50 Drugs, With Chris Crawford

The Hidden Costs of PBMs: How Aggregate Discount Guarantees Inflate Drug Prices. In episode 465 of Relentlessly Seeking Value, host Stacey Richter interviews Chris Crawford, CEO of RxSaveCard, about the inflated costs within the pharmacy benefits indus...

  EP464: ER Visits Now 6% of Total Plan Spend. Is It Upcoding or What? With Al Lewis

Emergency room costs now make up 6% of total healthcare plan spending—why? In this episode, host Stacey Richter welcomes Al Lewis to break down the data behind rising ER expenses, separating fact from fiction. They discuss whether increased patient acu...

  EP463: Medicare Advantage Policies—Which Will Stay and Which Will Go Now? With Betsy Seals

In this episode of Relentless Health Value, host Stacey Richter engages with Betsy Seals, CEO and co-founder of Rebellis Group, to analyze the future of key Medicare Advantage policies amidst a changing political landscape. They delve into four critica...

  Encore! EP384: How Shareholders Impact Carrier Behavior, Exactly and Specifically, With Wendell Potter

In this episode, Stacey Richter explores how the demands of shareholders influence the actions of publicly traded health insurance companies with guest Wendell Potter. Drawing from Milton Friedman’s assertion that a business’s primary responsibility is...

  EP462: Managing Populations of Whole, Actual People Who Are Not the Sum of a Bunch of Different Body Parts, With Scott Conard, MD

This podcast today is with Dr. Scott Conard, founder of Converging Health. You might remember him from the earlier episode (EP391). First of all, I enjoyed how it came to be. Brian Uhlig, an employee benefit consultant of some acclaim, came to me and o...

  INBW42: A Philosophical Rabbit Hole of Considerations for Plan Sponsors and Others

In this inbetweenisode Stacey Richter dives into the complexities of benefit design in American healthcare. Highlighting insights from recent episodes with Bill Sarraille (EP459) and upcoming episode with Scott Conard, MD, Richter explores the impact o...

  EP461: Pick Only One, Plan Sponsors: Do You Want to Control GLP-1 Volume or Control GLP-1 Unit Cost? With Chris Crawford

This episode is not about the when, why, or how of GLP-1s for weight loss or best-practice prescribing; and we do not wade into anything about lifestyle changes or who is adherent or clinical considerations and needed support. There are a plethora of s...

  EP460: Rushika Fernandopulle, MD’s Theory of Change Starts With Status Quo Healthcare

In this Relentless Health Value episode, Dr. Rushika Fernandopulle discusses with Stacey Richter his four-prong theory of change for transforming the American healthcare system. Key topics include the necessity of new payment models, process innovation...

  EP459: Cost Containment by Co-Pay Maximizer or Co-Pay Accumulator: Points to Ponder, With Bill Sarraille

In Episode 459, host Stacey Richter speaks with healthcare attorney Bill Sarraille about co-pay maximizers and accumulators, mechanisms designed to extract maximum co-pay support dollars from pharmaceutical companies.  They discuss the financial implic...

  INBW41: End-of-Year Wrap-Up and My Personal Charter Encore: Where the Rubber Hits the Road

In this Inbetweenisode titled 'End of Year Wrap Up and My Personal Charter Encore,' Stacey Richter extends heartfelt thanks to listeners and healthcare workers for their dedication.  She reflects on the challenges of maintaining personal integrity in a...