We retired this podcast, because we couldn't parse it for 10 consecutive times.
Often even small changes can result in a huge impact and improvement. Learn how to live an optimized life and get the best of health, productivity, relationships and longevity. Want help transforming your life? I can help you. @DrMitchelMD
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2016-10-14 | Nothing is Certain Except Change Time passes quickly and change happens all around us every day. Like it or not. Enjoy the moment while you can, one day it will just be another memory. -Unknown As I eluded to in the last post, time is fickle and heal... | |
2016-07-21 | How are you feeling right now? Yes. In this exact moment? Are you where you expect to be? If not...you have slipped into the gray. | |
2016-07-14 | How NOT to Hack Growth When contemplating the best way to maximize results from your body. http://wp.me/p248wP-Pb | |
2016-03-03 | Project You episode 47This week's guest, Dr. Laura, shares the hidden ingredient in many health foods that is destroying your health and putting your children at risk.She shares the #1 health problem affecting children today and we talk about stratgies... | |
2016-03-03 | Can one shoe really define your life? This episode will cause you to pause and reflect.Time is precious - so how will you process this and adjust?http://MitchelMD.com | |
2016-02-25 | Reading For Life"Books wash away everyday dust from the soul of life." Not sure who penned that but I love it regardless.Here is the list of the books I consumed in 2015. The links are those I felt most impactful. Let me know which you have read and ho... | |
2016-02-17 | http://MitchelMD.com5 Cocktails For Life Here are 5 things to consider drinking every day:Apple cider vinegar & waterGreen teaWater w/ lemonKombuchaVino tinto You might not agree with the above, but the data behind these five is compelling.I've inc... | |
2016-02-10 | http://MitchelMD.com/fattyThe balance is key. Don't rely on SAD and find yourself overweight, diabetic and struglling to live.The research supports the power of Omega | |
2016-01-28 | Longer episode, but I covered elements you won't want ot miss.This is an excerpt from a presentation I gave with a special bonus at the end. photo credit: BigStock | |
2016-01-14 | Energy & LifeProject You Episode 43 What makes your spirit come alive?Make a list:WhoPlaceSituationsRelentless prune your life from the energy draining forces.Keep the + and work to create situations and experiences to share and grow - recharge you... |