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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Motivational Interviewing

Mental health counselor and educational specialist Raymond Isackila speaks on the powerful communication technique of motivational interviewing. Ray is an educational specialist and Manager of Addiction Recovery Services in the Department of Psychiatry...

  Resistance to Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment is a significant treatment for patients with opioid use disorders. There may be many reasons, spoken and unspoken, that patients may be reluctant to start this potentially life-saving treatment. On this episode, Ashley Bra...

  Non-opioid Pharmacological Management of Pain

Today we discuss non-opioid pharmacological management of chronic pain with Dr. Kevin Sevarino. Dr. Sevarino received his Doctorate of Medicine in 1982 from McGill University and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology in 1983 from the University of Connecticut...

  Episode 7: Naltrexone as Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Today we will be talking about the use of naltrexone for the treatment of opioid use disorder therapy. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker, or antagonist, that has limited prevalence of use compared with buprenorphine, a partial agonist, and methadone, a l...

  Episode 6: Use of Opioids

Dr. Lynn Webster is one of the world’s leading pain experts. He is board certified in anesthesiology, pain medicine and addiction medicine. Among his numerous accomplishments, Dr. Webster is the founder of Lifetree Pain Clinic in Utah, has served as a ...

  Episode 5: Applications of the CDC Guidelines

As a member of the committee that developed the CDC opioid guidelines and a primary care physician who treats chronic pain patients, Dr. Roger Chou is a uniquely situated authority in the conversation on opioid management. In episode one Dr. Chou talke...

  Episode 4: Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid use disorder is commonly known to be dangerous. The media has effectively spread the message of the danger and fatal consequences of overdose from misused prescription opioids and illicit drugs such as heroin. What many people, including medical...

  Episode 3: Buprenorphine Induction

Buprenorphine is the most frequently used medication to treat opioid use disorder in this country. It is also under-utilized due to the dearth of physicians trained and familiar with how to start it. On this episode Dr. Edwin Salsitz will discuss how t...

  Episode 2: Myths and Misconceptions of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment is an important approach for some people with substance use disorders. It is also frequently misunderstood--isn't treating someone with methadone for a heroin problem simply "trading one addiction for another?" Our guest, ...

  Episode 1: The CDC Opioid Guidelines

Welcome to episode 1 of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry podcast hosted by Lysander Jim, MD and Mauro Zappaterra, MD-PhD. Our first guest is Dr. Roger Chou. As a member of the committee that developed the CDC opioid guidelines released this...