TWS Partners
PanoptikumID 891201e2-7e59-564d-b657-a3d3ab04d50b
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Name TWS Partners
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Engagements, TWS Partners has entered
Podcast Role
  Game Changer - the game theory podcast author
Gigs, TWS Partners has been engaged in
Date Podcast Episode Role
2024-07-15   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Are you among the top performing managers? – Overconfidence and its causes | with Collin Raymond author
2024-07-01   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Avoiding Value Drain in Dealmaking – Game Theoretic Strategies | with Paul Papayoanou author
2024-06-17   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Playing the Gene Game: On Genomics, Insurance, and Game Theory | with Eduardo Azevedo author
2024-06-03   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Explaining Loss Aversion using Game Theoretic models | with Greg Kubitz author
2024-05-20   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Us vs. Them: Experiments on group identity| with Yan Chen author
2024-05-06   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Game Theory Goes to School: Strategic Decisions in Young Minds | with Isabelle Brocas author
2024-04-22   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Playing for a Better Society: Game Theory and Civic Responsibility | with Tore Ellingsen author
2024-04-08   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   To click or not to click: can we trust sponsored search results? | with Maarten Janssen author
2024-03-25   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Discouraging consumption of sin goods – taxes versus nudges | with Dmitry Taubinsky author
2024-03-11   Game Changer - the game theory podcast   Hidden Games: Exploring the rationality of irrational choices | with Moshe Hoffman author