In this 355th, and FINAL installment of our little show, we continue with the second part of last week's show where we were recapping our SEFF 2016 experience (what a great time we had!).
What a wonderful ride it's been! I've been pluggin' away with this weekly show for more than 7 years now and as much as I hate to hang it up, I really think that it's time to walk away for a while. With the treatments for my cancer putting a "hurtin'" on me every other week, it's just become a little more than I care to deal with. I plan to leave all of the podcast episodes available for download for at LEAST the next 18 months, since there is just so much timeless information available that many new hobbyists can benefit from.
There is some good news here, though - a NEW podcast will be rising from the ashes of TheCrashCast! The Angle Of Attack podcast will be a weekly show that's expected to start Wednesday, May 18, 2016. Just like my show has been, AoA will be broadcast LIVE each Wednesday night (including a live audience chat) and will be hosted by our usual group of suspects (IFLYOS, NavionFlyer, LMopar69, KarlK (aka "The Duck"), and Cathead Biscuit). Heck - you may even get a chance to hear ol' Crash pop in from time to time! :)
My heartfelt thanks goes out to my co-hosts and guests for hanging in there with me over the years. Sometimes pulling off a show has been challenging, but it's always been fun. Most of all, though, my biggest thanks goes out to all of our fans that have stuck with us over the years. I have enjoyed answering your emails as well as meeting so many of you in person. You all have meant so much to me, and your well-wishes and kind words have really helped me during the challenges I've faced over the last few months.
Take care, God bless, and...
Get out there and build something, fly something, and enjoy this great RC Hobby!!