In this installment of the podcast, we interview John Dudley, of Dudley Digital Works. His expertise spans decades in the videography realm with some unique experiences around the recent expansion of drone technology. Hearing first hand of John's career and how drones have enabled some amazing additions is why we asked him to be on the show. John covers a huge variety of topics which help shed light from a seasoned veteran on the evolution of the drone industry. brings together the world of drones. Review | Interview | Showcase | and Deliver concise articles digesting the latest news in small unmanned aerial systems to keep quad/hex/octocopter enthusiasts and pilots on top of what's happening in the field and in the sky.
In this installment of the podcast, we interview John Dudley, of Dudley Digital Works. His expertise spans decades in the videography realm with some unique experiences around the recent expansion of drone technology. Hearing first hand of John's career and how drones have enabled some amazing additions is why we asked him to be on the show. John covers a huge variety of topics which help shed light from a seasoned veteran on the evolution of the drone industry. brings together the world of drones. Review | Interview | Showcase | and Deliver concise articles digesting the latest news in small unmanned aerial systems to keep quad/hex/octocopter enthusiasts and pilots on top of what's happening in the field and in the sky.