Q and A Spanish   /     Send us a voice message!


We’ve added a new feature to our website and Facebook pages: if you have a microphone or webcam connected to your computer, you can leave us a voice message easily by clicking on the “Send us a voice message” on the right hand side of the screen. Please note that for the time being this […]


We’ve added a new feature to our website and Facebook pages: if you have a microphone or webcam connected to your computer, you can leave us a voice message easily by clicking on the “Send us a voice message” on the right hand side of the screen. Please note that for the time being this feature does not work on iOS, but we hope to include an iOS option soon.
If you’d like to send us a voice message to be included in the next Word of the Day Review episode, please also post your message on the CBS Facebook page or CBF Facebook page on the relevant entry to make sure it’s picked up by the team. If you’re sending a question for Q&A Spanish, please make sure you leave your name.
Please be aware that by sending your voice message we may use this in future shows. However, we do not guarantee to use all voice messages.
Here’s a video to explain more:

We’ve added a new feature to our website and Facebook pages: if you have a microphone or webcam connected to your computer, you can leave us a voice message easily by clicking on the “Send us a voice message” on the right hand side of the screen.
Publishing date
2013-02-11 12:29
  Radio Lingua Network


We’ve added a new feature to our website and Facebook pages: if you have a microphone or webcam connected to your computer, you can leave us a voice message easily by clicking on the “Send us a voice message” on the right hand side of the screen. Please note that for the time being this feature does not work on iOS, but we hope to include an iOS option soon.

If you’d like to send us a voice message to be included in the next Word of the Day Review episode, please also post your message on the CBS Facebook page or CBF Facebook page on the relevant entry to make sure it’s picked up by the team. If you’re sending a question for Q&A Spanish, please make sure you leave your name.

Please be aware that by sending your voice message we may use this in future shows. However, we do not guarantee to use all voice messages.

Here’s a video to explain more: