MeetItalia – Travel Phrases lesson seventeen!
You are in Italy and are having a hard time understanding Italian numbers.
In this lesson you will learn to Italian numbers from zero to ten.
Travel Phrases 17 – Da zero a dieci. From zero to ten.
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Before masculine words starting with x, y, z, ps, gn or s + consonant, or i + other vowel, use:
Question 1 Explanation: as in "uno straniero", "a foreigner".
Before masculine words starting with a consonant, or a vowel, except the cases we have just seen, use:
Question 2 Explanation: as in "un euro", "one Euro"
Before feminine words starting with a consonant or x, y, z, ps, gn or s + consonant, use:
Question 3 Explanation: as in "una borsa", "one bag, a bag".
With feminine words starting with a vowel, use:
Question 4 Explanation: as in "un’arancia", "an orange".
How do you say "zero degrees" in Italian?
A | zerro gradi |
B | zera grada |
C | zero grado |
D | zero gradi |
How do you say "two bicycles" in Italian?
A | due biciclette |
B | cue biciclotte |
C | dui biciclette |
D | dei bicicletti |
How do you say "three apples" in Italian?
A | tre mele |
B | tra mele |
C | tri mele |
D | tre mela |
How do you say "four people" in Italian?
A | quatro persone |
B | quattro persone |
C | cuattro persone |
D | cquattro persona |
How do you say "five pens" in Italian?
A | cinquina penna |
B | sinco penne |
C | cinque penne |
D | cinco penna |
How do you say "six coins" in Italian?
A | se monete |
B | seis moneta |
C | sei moneta |
D | sei monete |
How do you say "seven tickets" in Italian?
A | sete biglietto |
B | siete biglietti |
C | sette biglietti |
D | siette bigliettos |
How do you say "eight biscuits" in Italian?
A | otto biscoti |
B | otti biscotti |
C | oto biscoto |
D | otto biscotti |
How do you say "nine presents" in Italian?
A | novem regali |
B | nuve regali |
C | nova regalo |
D | nove regali |
How do you say "ten minutes" in Italian?
A | diecha minuto |
B | dieci minuti |
C | diechi minuti |
D | deci minuti |
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