The Cante Tenza Okolakiciye, or Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Independent Lakota Nation, is an ancient Lakota warrior society as well as a modern day human rights movement working to protect, enforce & restore treaty rights, civil rights, & sovereignty of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. Having previously contacted the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Office (UNHCHRO) on issues pertaining to Lakota/Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island, the ILN (Independent Lakota Nation) has formed the International Indigenous Human Rights Office (IIHRO) to monitor & address Indigenous human rights issues within Lakota & surrounding Indigenous territory. The IIHRO will address murdered & missing Indigenous peoples with the Justice For Stolen Lives investigation focusing on Indigenous people murdered by law enforcement; whose murders were never solved, or solved in contradiction of evidence going back to 1990. “The International Community is required to investigate a high capacity of unexplained deaths that occur randomly to Indigenous people at the hands of law enforcement,” explained Lakota Strong Heart Warrior leader Canupa Gluha Mani. “In the absence of International action, we will take it upon ourselves to investigate through the forming human rights office.” Canupa Gluha Mani calls "out to other Indigenous nations with the same circumstances of unexplained or uninvestigated deaths at the discretion of America’s policies and procedures of ethnic cleansing to hold the U.S. Government, states, and towns accountable.” The Independent Lakota Nation continues the inter-generational movement to assert Lakota independence and grows from past efforts by Lakota chiefs, elders, treaty councils, and more than 165 years of resistance to illegal settlement on unceeded Lakota territory.