Unsupported Operation Episode 82 Misc JavaBlogs.com closed by Atlassian.Latest Dart VM beats Java 64 bit VM in Delta Blue BenchmarkJava version number scheme officially updated to make managing all these security fixes easierNewly minted just in time for more unmaintainable build messes: Gradle 1.6? Progress being made on Android build system, facebook builds their own BuckIntelliJ IDEA 12.1.3 - moar upgrades!YourKit Java Profiler 12.0.5Typesafe release Typesafe Activator- part of the Typesafe PlatformJaCoCoverage: java 7 code coverage for NetbeansBefore Google I/O, Square announce Seven Days of Open Source and release (thus far) - OkHttp, Dagger, MimeCraft, ProtoParser, JavaWriter, Roboelectric 2.0, Intellij Plugins - a lot focused around Android.Java gets a REPL - scary, and awesome, but very, very scary. Sonar GroovyCassaforte - Client client API for Apache Cassandra 1.2+ Apache Apache Camel 2.11 - new Camel CMIS module for integration with CMS systems, new camel-couchdb, camel-elasticsearch modules.Three major defects found in Tomcat (groan, yes again) - Chunked transfer encoding extension size is not limited, Session fixation with FORM authenticator, Request mix-up if AsyncListener method throws RuntimeException. Tomcat 6.0.37 released. 7. something too.Apache Curator 2.0.0-incubator - A ZooKeeper Keeper - utils making ZooKeeper easier to use.Apache Gora 0.3 - in memory and persistence for Big Data for using HadoopApache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.3-beta2Apache Buildr 1.4.12Apache Giraph 1.0 - first release out of incubation - Apache Giraph is an scalable and distributed iterative graph processing system that is inspired by BSP (bulk synchronous parallel) and Google's Pregel. Giraph distinguishes itself from those projects by being open-source, running on Hadoop infrastructure, and going beyond the Pregel model with features such as master computation, sharded aggregators, out-of-core support, no single point of failure design, and more.Lucene and Solar 4.3Commons Codec 1.8Apache Marmotta 3.0 - incubating - Apache Marmotta is an extensible and modular implementation of a Linked Data Platform and contains a server component as well as many useful libraries for accessing Linked Data resources. Apache Marmotta is a continuation of the Linked Media Framework (LMF) originally developed by Salzburg Research, but considerably improved with respect to modularity, reliability, performance and also licensing. Since the last LMF release was the 2.x series, Apache Marmotta starts with the version number 3.0.0-incubating.Open JPA 2.2.2 Other news Greg’s favourite NoSQL database gets incremental backup
Unsupported Operation Episode 82 Misc JavaBlogs.com closed by Atlassian.Latest Dart VM beats Java 64 bit VM in Delta Blue BenchmarkJava version number scheme officially updated to make managing all these security fixes easierNewly minted just in time for more unmaintainable build messes: Gradle 1.6? Progress being made on Android build system, facebook builds their own BuckIntelliJ IDEA 12.1.3 - moar upgrades!YourKit Java Profiler 12.0.5Typesafe release Typesafe Activator- part of the Typesafe PlatformJaCoCoverage: java 7 code coverage for NetbeansBefore Google I/O, Square announce Seven Days of Open Source and release (thus far) - OkHttp, Dagger, MimeCraft, ProtoParser, JavaWriter, Roboelectric 2.0, Intellij Plugins - a lot focused around Android.Java gets a REPL - scary, and awesome, but very, very scary. Sonar GroovyCassaforte - Client client API for Apache Cassandra 1.2+ Apache Apache Camel 2.11 - new Camel CMIS module for integration with CMS systems, new camel-couchdb, camel-elasticsearch modules.Three major defects found in Tomcat (groan, yes again) - Chunked transfer encoding extension size is not limited, Session fixation with FORM authenticator, Request mix-up if AsyncListener method throws RuntimeException. Tomcat 6.0.37 released. 7. something too.Apache Curator 2.0.0-incubator - A ZooKeeper Keeper - utils making ZooKeeper easier to use.Apache Gora 0.3 - in memory and persistence for Big Data for using HadoopApache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.3-beta2Apache Buildr 1.4.12Apache Giraph 1.0 - first release out of incubation - Apache Giraph is an scalable and distributed iterative graph processing system that is inspired by BSP (bulk synchronous parallel) and Google's Pregel. Giraph distinguishes itself from those projects by being open-source, running on Hadoop infrastructure, and going beyond the Pregel model with features such as master computation, sharded aggregators, out-of-core support, no single point of failure design, and more.Lucene and Solar 4.3Commons Codec 1.8Apache Marmotta 3.0 - incubating - Apache Marmotta is an extensible and modular implementation of a Linked Data Platform and contains a server component as well as many useful libraries for accessing Linked Data resources. Apache Marmotta is a continuation of the Linked Media Framework (LMF) originally developed by Salzburg Research, but considerably improved with respect to modularity, reliability, performance and also licensing. Since the last LMF release was the 2.x series, Apache Marmotta starts with the version number 3.0.0-incubating.Open JPA 2.2.2 Other news Greg’s favourite NoSQL database gets incremental backup