Sprichwörtlich Deutsch – Fair Languages   /     Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 6 – Suppe einbrocken


Welcome to Sprichwörtlich Deutsch, the podcast about German proverbs, idioms and expressions. My name is Kirsten Winkler, and I am your host. Today’s expression can be used in the following two ways sich eine Suppe einbrocken or jemandem eine Suppe …The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 6 – Suppe einbrocken appeared first on Fair Languages.


Welcome to Sprichwörtlich Deutsch, the podcast about German proverbs, idioms and expressions. My name is Kirsten Winkler, and I am your host. Today’s expression can be used in the following two ways sich eine Suppe einbrocken or jemandem eine Suppe… The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 6– Suppe einbrocken appeared first on Fair Languages.

Welcome to Sprichwörtlich Deutsch, the podcast about German proverbs, idioms and expressions. My name is Kirsten Winkler, and I am your host. Today’s expression can be used in the following two ways sich eine Suppe einbrocken or jemandem eine Suppe&#823
Publishing date
2012-10-03 21:18
  Kirsten Winkler | Fair Languages


Welcome to Sprichwörtlich Deutsch, the podcast about German proverbs, idioms and expressions. My name is Kirsten Winkler, and I am your host.

Today’s expression can be used in the following two ways

sich eine Suppe einbrocken


jemandem eine Suppe einbrocken

(sich – reflexive pronoun / oneself; jemandem – Dative of jemand someone, somebody)

As always let’s take a look at the vocabulary which is basically two words. Suppe, die Suppe is soup and einbrocken is a verb and means to crumble something into something. Therefore, the translation is either … right, to crumble something into the soup or in the other form to crumble someone something into the soup.

This expression has its roots in the days when soups were the most popular main dish in Germany, especially for farmers and their workers. In order to make the soup richer in content and therefore help to quench hunger better, people used to crumble pieces of old bread into it. The entire expression which is not as often used as the part we are talking about today goes

Die Suppe auslöffeln müssen, die man sich eingebrockt hat.

which means that you have to eat up the soup yourself that you crumbled (so much) bread into which can be hard when you overestimated your hunger and put too much of the old bread into the soup.

And that is also the sense in which Germans use this expression today. When a German says

Da hast du dir ja eine schöne Suppe eingebrockt!

he or she wants to express that the other person has overestimated his or her abilities to handle the situation. The same is of course true when you use the other version and say:

Da habe ich mir ja eine schöne Suppe eingebrockt!

This expression can be used in any situation, family, friends or with colleagues and your boss. It is still very popular and used by everybody.

And that’s it for today’s episode of Sprichwörtlich Deutsch. Hope you join me next time and don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast either on iTunes or via FairLanguages.com

Music: Chillin’ With Jeris” by copperhead (feat. Jeris)

The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 6 – Suppe einbrocken appeared first on Fair Languages.