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In this episode of Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Kirsten explains the German expression Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen and when to use it.The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 3 – Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen appeared first on Fair Languages.


In this episode of Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Kirsten explains the German expression Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen and when to use it. The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 3– Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen appeared first on Fair Languages.

In this episode of Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Kirsten explains the German expression Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen and when to use it. The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 3– Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen appeared first on Fair Languages.
Publishing date
2012-09-24 12:15
  Kirsten Winkler | Fair Languages


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Welcome to Sprichwörtlich Deutsch, the podcast about German proverbs, sayings and expressions. My name is Kirsten Winkler, and I am your host.

Today’s expression is

etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen

As always, let’s take a look at the vocabulary first. Etwas means something. etwas. Haar, das Haar is hair. And herbeiziehen – you could also say heranziehen – means to pull up or to pull something close. Hence, the translation of etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen is … right, to pull something up or close by its hair.

As you can see, this is another very visual expression. So first of all, we need to imagine what could be pulled by its hair and why? One picture is the stone cave man who hits the woman of his choice on the head and then drags her into his cave by her hair.

The more plausible source for this expression comes, however, from the hunters who need to pull the deer or wild boar out of the woods by its hair after they shot it.

So we have the effort to hunt something down and then we have to really work hard to get the prey out of the woods to show it. All in all, a pretty exhausting undertaking.

This means when someone is constructing a weird story or explanation that is so far away from reality and therefore took him a lot of time and effort to hunt down and then drag it to his argumentation you might answer

Also, dieses Argument ist nun wirklich an den Haaren herbeigezogen!

And that’s it for today’s episode of Sprichwörtlich Deutsch. Hope you join me next time and don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast either on iTunes or via FairLanguages.com

Music: Chillin’ With Jeris” by copperhead (feat. Jeris)

The post Sprichwörtlich Deutsch Episode 3 – Etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen appeared first on Fair Languages.