Kurdish   /     SBS Radio Review


SBS has announced changes to its radio services intended to better meet the needs of multicultural Australia and reflect the country's increasingly diverse society. The latest census data reveals almost 5 million people -- 4.87 million -- speak a language other than English at home. The SBS Radio Services Review has taken into consideration the latest census results and audience listening habits. The population of a language group, English-language proficiency, recentness of arrival, age and household resources were all factors involved. Any discrimination or vilification of a particular group in Australia was also considered. The revised services will include seven new languages -- Telugu, Karen, Tibetan, Hakha Chin, Rohingya, Mongolian and Kirundi, or Rundi.        (SBS guhertin di xizmetĂȘn xwe yĂȘn radyoyĂȘ de pĂȘk anĂźn bi armanca ku pĂȘdivyĂȘn pirchandĂź li Australya chĂȘtir bike Ă» zĂȘdebĂ»na civakĂȘn pirrchan nĂźshan bide.DĂźsa-niherĂźna li XizmetĂȘn Radyoya SBS ku ji encamĂȘn serjimartinĂȘn herĂź dawĂźn Ă» hĂ»rgilĂȘn guhdariya gelemper jĂź hesab kirin pĂȘk hat.Di xizmetĂȘn nĂ»jen de dĂȘ heft zimanĂȘn nĂ» hebin- Telugu, Karin, Tibet, Hakka Chin, Rohingya, Mongolian, Kroned yan jĂź Rundi. HĂȘjayĂź gotinĂȘ ye ku bernameya KurdĂź wek xwe ma, yanĂź dĂȘ her di weshanĂȘn roja ÎniyĂȘ demjimĂȘr 6 ĂȘvarĂȘ Ă» roja YekshemĂȘ 2 pash nĂźvro de berdewam be.      )


SBS has announced changes to its radio services intended to better meet the needs of multicultural Australia and reflect the country's increasingly diverse society. The latest census data reveals almost 5 million people -- 4.87 million -- speak a language other than English at home. The SBS Radio Services Review has taken into consideration the latest census results and audience listening habits. The population of a language group, English-language proficiency, recentness of arrival, age and household resources were all factors involved. Any discrimination or vilification of a particular group in Australia was also considered. The revised services will include seven new languages -- Telugu, Karen, Tibetan, Hakha Chin, Rohingya, Mongolian and Kirundi, or Rundi.         (SBS guhertin di xizmetĂȘn xwe yĂȘn radyoyĂȘ de pĂȘk anĂźn bi armanca ku pĂȘdivyĂȘn pirchandĂź li Australya chĂȘtir bike Ă» zĂȘdebĂ»na civakĂȘn pirrchan nĂźshan bide.DĂźsa-niherĂźna li XizmetĂȘn Radyoya SBS ku ji encamĂȘn serjimartinĂȘn herĂź dawĂźn Ă» hĂ»rgilĂȘn guhdariya gelemper jĂź hesab kirin pĂȘk hat.Di xizmetĂȘn nĂ»jen de dĂȘ heft zimanĂȘn nĂ» hebin- Telugu, Karin, Tibet, Hakka Chin, Rohingya, Mongolian, Kroned yan jĂź Rundi. HĂȘjayĂź gotinĂȘ ye ku bernameya KurdĂź wek xwe ma, yanĂź dĂȘ her di weshanĂȘn roja ÎniyĂȘ demjimĂȘr 6 ĂȘvarĂȘ Ă» roja YekshemĂȘ 2 pash nĂźvro de berdewam be.      )

SBS has announced changes to its radio services intended to better meet the needs of multicultural Australia and reflect the country's increasingly diverse society. The latest census data reveals almost 5 million people -- 4.87 million -- speak a language
Publishing date
2017-09-22 08:57
  SBS radio