Kurdish   /     VIVA: Keeping the brain healthy to prevent dementia


Did you know that dementia is predicted to become Australias leading cause of death in the next few years? The chronic illness affects almost one in ten Australians aged 65 plus. Whilst there is currently no cure, a nutritional expert for older people believes you can actually cheat dementia by eating better food for the brain.    (TĂȘye texmĂźn kirin ku ĂȘ dementia/xerfandin di nav chend salĂȘn li pĂȘsh de bibe sedema sereke ya mirinĂȘ li AustralyayĂȘ?Nixweshiya domdar bandora xwe li ser yek di nav 10 kesĂȘn ku temenĂȘ wan ji 65 zĂȘdetir heye.Tev ku derman ji bo vĂȘ nixweshiyĂȘ nĂźne pisporĂȘn xwarinĂȘ bo kesĂȘn temen mezin bawer diken xwarina bash bo mĂȘjĂź dikare pĂȘshbirriyĂȘ li demntia/xerfandinĂȘ bike.  )


Did you know that dementia is predicted to become Australias leading cause of death in the next few years? The chronic illness affects almost one in ten Australians aged 65 plus. Whilst there is currently no cure, a nutritional expert for older people believes you can actually cheat dementia by eating better food for the brain.     (TĂȘye texmĂźn kirin ku ĂȘ dementia/xerfandin di nav chend salĂȘn li pĂȘsh de bibe sedema sereke ya mirinĂȘ li AustralyayĂȘ?Nixweshiya domdar bandora xwe li ser yek di nav 10 kesĂȘn ku temenĂȘ wan ji 65 zĂȘdetir heye.Tev ku derman ji bo vĂȘ nixweshiyĂȘ nĂźne pisporĂȘn xwarinĂȘ bo kesĂȘn temen mezin bawer diken xwarina bash bo mĂȘjĂź dikare pĂȘshbirriyĂȘ li demntia/xerfandinĂȘ bike.  )

Did you know that dementia is predicted to become Australias leading cause of death in the next few years? The chronic illness affects almost one in ten Australians aged 65 plus. Whilst there is currently no cure, a nutritional expert for older people bel
Publishing date
2017-09-22 07:41
  SBS radio