Learn Mandarin Now Podcast   /     Ask Experts 002: Learning Mandarin Chinese online, living and working in China, plus so much more with Ivan Batishchev from Italki!


Welcome to another Podcast interview! Today’s guest is Ivan Batishchev who is a PR and digital communications executive from Italki. Ivan lives and works in Shanghai, China and can speak 5 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and, of course, Mandarin Chinese! In this interview, he shares lots of his interesting experiences and stories about his ...Read Post


Welcome to another Podcast interview! Today’s guest is Ivan Batishchev who is a PR and digital communications executive from Italki. Ivan lives and works in Shanghai, China and can speak 5 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and, of course, Mandarin Chinese! In this interview, he shares lots of his interesting experiences and stories about his ... Read Post

Welcome to another Podcast interview! Today’s guest is Ivan Batishchev who is a PR and digital communications executive from Italki. Ivan lives and works in Shanghai, China and can speak 5 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and, of course,
Publishing date
2016-12-25 08:24
  Song: Mandarin Chinese Teacher, Podcast Host, Lesson Presenter


Welcome to another Podcast interview! Today’s guest is Ivan Batishchev who is a PR and digital communications executive from Italki. Ivan lives and works in Shanghai, China and can speak 5 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and, of course, Mandarin Chinese! In this interview, he shares lots of his interesting experiences and stories about his learning Mandarin Chinese journey.

In this Podcast interview, we talk about:

1. How Ivan got started learning Mandarin Chinese in University

2. His personal stories and experiences living and working in Beijing and Shanghai

3. The most crucial lesson Ivan has learned about learning Mandarin Chinese

4. Tips for you to find a suitable online Chinese teacher for you

5. Mandarin Chinese learning resources (both free and paid) for Chinese learners

Resources we mentioned in the interview:

1. Italki: A recommended platform for finding online Chinese and other language teachers. For our Learn Mandarin Now listeners, you can click through this link to get a “buy 1 lesson get 1 lesson free bonus”

2. Pleco: The best Chinese dictionary App that you can use on your phone. It’s highly recommended by many Chinese learners

3. HelloChinese: Mandarin Chinese learning App

4. The Chairman’s Bao: A Chinese newspaper, written for Mandarin students

5. Tinycard: App for Flashcards

6. Anki: A very popular programme to help you remember words more effectively. They provide not only a Chinese character version but for other major languages as well

Thanks for Listening…

Thanks so much for joining me again this week. Do you have some feedback you’d like to share? If so, leave a note in the comment section below… If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post. Also, please leave an honest review about Learn Mandarin Now Podcasts on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and are greatly appreciated. They do matter when working out the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them! Special thanks to Ivan for joining me this week, so, until next time…