In this short tutorial we stress the importance of publishing your research results at the right venues. First we identify the workshops, conferences, magazines and journals in the area of network and systems management. We will discuss the quality of some of our conferences and journals, as perceived by experts in our field, as well as people outside our area. For this we present some acceptance rates, acceptance procedures, conference and journal rankings, as well as impact factors. Although some Ph.D. students may believe that a main goal is to publish as many papers as possible, this tutorial will stress that there are other important metrics, such as the number of citations, that are used to judge the quality of your research. We will discuss one metric that is currently popular, called the H-factor, and explain how to measure your own H-factor, using for example the Web of Science (instead of Google's scholar). The tutorial concludes with explaining the importance of publishing in journals indexed in Thomson's Science Citation Index (SCI), or alternatives like Scopus. It also explains CPP, JCS and FCS factors.