One of the next frontiers of computing is to create systems that understand the user. Context aware devices of the near future might recommend restaurants, monitor a user’s health, or screen phone calls—all based on information collected from device sensors and casual input data. Two of the most profound sensors are already on our devices: [...]
One of the next frontiers of computing is to create systems that understand the user. Context aware devices of the near future might recommend restaurants, monitor a user’s health, or screen phone calls—all based on information collected from device sensors and casual input data. Two of the most profound sensors are already on our devices: microphone and camera. In this episode of Future Lab we talk with researchers who are exploring how to make devices context aware.
Andrew Campbell, Professor of Computer Science, Dartmouth College
Rosalind Picard, Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, M.I T.
Lama Nachman, Senior Researcher, Intel Labs
Mobile Sensing Group at Dartmouth
See also:
Raising the IQ on Smartphones