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French verb conjugated - PARTIR - to leave
How is PARTIR conjugated? What does it sound like? Listen to native speaker Anne
Partir, to leave, is a ‘third group’ –IR verb.
Indicatif - Indicative Mode .... statements
présent .... present tense
je pars .... I leave*
je ne pars pas .... I’m not leaving
je pars .... I leave
tu pars .... you leave
elle part .... she leaves
il part .... he/it leaves
on part .... we leave
nous partons .... we leave
vous partez .... you leave
elles partent .... they leave
ils partent .... they leave
also I’m leaving…
imparfait .... imperfect
je partais .... I used to leave*
je ne partais pas .... I didn’t use to leave
je partais .... I used to leave
tu partais .... you used to leave
elle partait .... she used to leave
il partait .... he/it used to leave
on partait .... we used to leave
nous partions .... we used to leave
vous partiez .... you used to leave
elles partaient .... they used to leave
ils partaient .... they used to leave
also I was leaving, I would leave…
passé composé .... preterit or present perfect
je suis parti/e .... I left*
je ne suis pas parti/e .... I didn’t leave
je suis parti/e .... I left
tu es parti/e .... you left
elle est partie .... she left
il est parti .... he/it left
on est parti/s/es .... we left
nous sommes partis/es .... we left
vous êtes partis/es .... you left
elles sont parties .... they left
ils sont partis .... they left
also I have left…
futur simple .... future tense
je partirai .... I will leave
je ne partirai pas .... I won’t leave
je partirai .... I will leave
tu partiras .... you will leave
elle partira .... she will leave
il partira .... he/it will leave
on partira .... we will leave
nous partirons .... we will leave
vous partirez .... you will leave
elles partiront .... they will leave
ils partiront .... they will leave
Continue with this verb and many more here
Related: Personal pronouns - JE TU ELLE . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups .
Ils sont partis en rando.
Partir, to leave, is a ‘third group’ –IR verb.
Indicatif - Indicative Mode .... statements
présent .... present tense
je pars .... I leave*
je ne pars pas .... I’m not leaving
je pars .... I leave
tu pars .... you leave
elle part .... she leaves
il part .... he/it leaves
on part .... we leave
nous partons .... we leave
vous partez .... you leave
elles partent .... they leave
ils partent .... they leave
also I’m leaving…
imparfait .... imperfect
je partais .... I used to leave*
je ne partais pas .... I didn’t use to leave
je partais .... I used to leave
tu partais .... you used to leave
elle partait .... she used to leave
il partait .... he/it used to leave
on partait .... we used to leave
nous partions .... we used to leave
vous partiez .... you used to leave
elles partaient .... they used to leave
ils partaient .... they used to leave
also I was leaving, I would leave…
passé composé .... preterit or present perfect
je suis parti/e .... I left*
je ne suis pas parti/e .... I didn’t leave
je suis parti/e .... I left
tu es parti/e .... you left
elle est partie .... she left
il est parti .... he/it left
on est parti/s/es .... we left
nous sommes partis/es .... we left
vous êtes partis/es .... you left
elles sont parties .... they left
ils sont partis .... they left
also I have left…
futur simple .... future tense
je partirai .... I will leave
je ne partirai pas .... I won’t leave
je partirai .... I will leave
tu partiras .... you will leave
elle partira .... she will leave
il partira .... he/it will leave
on partira .... we will leave
nous partirons .... we will leave
vous partirez .... you will leave
elles partiront .... they will leave
ils partiront .... they will leave
Related: Personal pronouns - JE TU ELLE . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups .
The post French verb conjugated – PARTIR – to leave appeared first on French Etc.