Wake Up Call Podcast: Foreign Relations, Economics, Political Theory, Current Events, History, Politics, Countries, War and Peace   /     173. Gun Politics in the Aftermath of the Las Vegas Shooting with Larry Pratt


Thursday, October 26, 2017 Episode Summary Larry Pratt joins Adam Camac to discuss the tragic Las Vegas shooting, gun politics in the aftermath of the shooting, gun-free zones, how often guns are used for self-defense purposes, why background checks are not effective, and other gun-related topics. About the Guest Mr.…


Larry Pratt, Executive Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America, joins Adam Camac to discuss the tragic Las Vegas shooting, gun politics in the aftermath of the shooting, gun-free zones, how often guns are used for self-defense purposes, why background checks are not effective, and other gun-related topics.

The show notes page for this episode can be found at:

Larry Pratt, Executive Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America, joins Adam Camac to discuss the tragic Las Vegas shooting, gun politics in the aftermath of the shooting, gun-free zones, how often guns are used for self-defense purposes,
Publishing date
2017-10-26 19:36
  Adam Camac and Daniel Laguros: Noninterventionists in Foreign Policy, Libertarians, Influenced by Austrian Economics, Askers of Fundamental Questions


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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Episode Summary

Larry Pratt joins Adam Camac to discuss the tragic Las Vegas shooting, gun politics in the aftermath of the shooting, gun-free zones, how often guns are used for self-defense purposes, why background checks are not effective, and other gun-related topics.

About the Guest

Mr. Pratt is the Executive Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs and previously served in the Virginia legislature. He is the author of Armed People Victorious and On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty and the editor of Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizens Militias.

You can follow his work via Gun Owners of America. You can find Gun Owners of America on Facebook and on Twitter.

Biographical information is from gunowners.org.

Picture is from gunowners.org.

Books Mentioned
1. Armed People Victorious by Larry Pratt
2. On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty by Larry Pratt
3. Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizens Militias edited by Larry Pratt

Resource Mentioned
1. Gun Owners of America
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Related Episodes
115. Gun Terminology and Gun Politics with Larry Pratt (Friday, September 16, 2016)
59. The Shocking History of Gun Control with Dr. Thaddeus Russell (Wednesday, May 18, 2016)
39. Gun Control with Ryan McMaken (Wednesday, April 20, 2016)

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