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Decide to become a good net citizen by commenting. To start, learn how to thank and/or praise in your target language.The post English KISS Episode 5 – Something for Nothing appeared first on Fair Languages.


Decide to become a good net citizen by commenting. To start, learn how to thank and/or praise in your target language. The post English KISS Episode 5– Something for Nothing appeared first on Fair Languages.

Decide to become a good net citizen by commenting. To start, learn how to thank and/or praise in your target language. The post English KISS Episode 5– Something for Nothing appeared first on Fair Languages.
Publishing date
2012-09-10 18:23
  George Machlan | Fair Languages


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Do you spend time reading online? Do you like social sites like Facebook, perhaps just to keep up with friends? Do you read blogs for pleasure? For learning anything like a foreign language? Well, I think you are going to be surprised how much you have been missing in learning opportunities. By spending a few seconds more at a given posting you can supercharge your language skills.

No, I am not talking about taking a second and clicking “like”. Certainly that is the least polite thing you can do. It is the simplest courtesy to those who gave you some information. Please go ahead and like this or anything you truly like as a way to say thank you.

What I am talking about today is taking advantage of the moment. That is a famous quote, “seize the day” . I want you to seize the moment. Think about this, if you are at an English site ( or a site in your target language) already and have read the post or article, your mind is in that language mode. Beyond the simple courtesy of commenting, you are primed to practice your writing skills. No need to feel embarrassed about your level of writing. They are either a friend or a complete stranger. Simply take the additional 10 seconds to restate a point from the article you just read or share an opinion.

This simple activity will take you from passive exposure of your target language to active engagement. Rome was not built in a day and neither will you overcome all of the issues with your foreign language. Rather by small steps, like this, you will slowly but surely progress on your journey to fluency. An additional small request will even give you some help from others. Think about adding to your comment a line like this, “Please respond with any suggestions as I am learning this language”. You may be pleasantly surprised at both the genuine appreciation of the author and many who will offer some suggestions on your grammar… for free!

ACTION STEP Decide to become a good net citizen by commenting. To start, learn how to thank and/or praise in your target language. Try to learn as many standard phrases for encouraging as possible. You can go further with your own thoughts as you feel the urge. 10 seconds additional on each posting you read is truly almost “Something for nothing” in building your fluency.

Title Music by: Lasswell | BeeKoo

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The post English KISS Episode 5 – Something for Nothing appeared first on Fair Languages.