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For one year, choose to only pursue English for fun. No rules (grammar) or vocabulary lists. Find the things that interest YOU, not some book of rules.The post English KISS Episode 3 – I Hate Grammar appeared first on Fair Languages.


For one year, choose to only pursue English for fun. No rules (grammar) or vocabulary lists. Find the things that interest YOU, not some book of rules. The post English KISS Episode 3– I Hate Grammar appeared first on Fair Languages.

For one year, choose to only pursue English for fun. No rules (grammar) or vocabulary lists. Find the things that interest YOU, not some book of rules. The post English KISS Episode 3– I Hate Grammar appeared first on Fair Languages.
Publishing date
2012-08-27 12:02
  George Machlan | Fair Languages


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Are you tired of the endless rules of grammar? Did you know that some people devote their entire life to learning them? Even they cannot get them all right. The darn thing is, the rules change. Yes, they do! I bet those Grammar Nazis never told you that, did they? They also never bothered to tell you that for every rule there are exceptions. Especially when we leave the sterile Grammar Nazi labs and schools. Spoken English on the street and in most parts of life break the rules with every breath.

Have you bought into the lie that more words and more rules will save you and make you fluent? Are you a little Grammar Nazi waiting to get your chance to push the rule of grammar on someone else one day too? Well, you’re gonna love this tip. Quit grammar. Yes quit, cold turkey (without drugs). Take at least a year off from learning any grammar from a book.

You say, “But George, how can I become fluent?” Here is my answer. I know several people who are completely illiterate (can’t read or write) and they speak excellent standard English. As a matter of fact they speak better than the average schooled speaker. How is that possible? Because writing and the rules of grammar were created long after we learned how to speak. Grammar was originally meant to clarify how people spoke in everyday life. Somehow we got it backwards and now teach that grammar teaches you how to talk. BIG mistake.

If you like music you can decide to become a concert pianist. You can spend years learning music theory, writing music, practicing a zillion hours with basic techniques. Or… You can learn to play a musical instrument like most. You can play for fun. You could play by ear. Picking up a few chords here and there. You play by ear, not by reading scores. Most people play music that way, learning chords and applying them to the songs they wish to sing.

Your English for fluency will not be served by more rules. You know enough. Now let’s spend a year listening to the music of English. Spend your time and efforts listening to English for enjoyment. Try to find the joy of learning again. Remember when you were a child? All day long was one big learning adventure? English can be fun again.

ACTION STEP For one year, choose to only pursue English for fun. No rules (grammar) or vocabulary lists. Find the things that interest YOU, not some book of rules. I doubt you will be kicked out of your dreams. You just may find that your path to fluency lies in joyful learning rather than rule driven drudgery. The trick is… what is fun? Stay tuned for future episodes

Title Music by: Lasswell | BeeKoo

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The post English KISS Episode 3 – I Hate Grammar appeared first on Fair Languages.