Casefile True Crime   /     Case 65: Allison Baden-Clay


Gerard woke up around 6 am. Allison wasn’t in bed. Their three daughters, then aged ten, eight and five weren’t awake yet. Gerard got out of bed and walked through the house to see if Allison was already up, or if she had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before. She had done that in the past. But she wasn’t there. Gerard assumed Allison must have gone for her early morning walk, something she usually did around 6 am, but that would be odd considering she had the conference that day, and she had mentioned wanting to leave by 7. He thought she mustn’t be far away, so he went to the bathroom for a shave. At 6:20 am he sent Allison a text: ‘Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G.’ At 6:45 am Allison still hadn’t returned home. Gerard grew concerned, he didn’t want her to be late for the conference, so he tried calling Allison’s phone, but she didn’t answer. He sent Allison another text message saying the girls were ready and could she text him back or call. He then called his father, Nigel and sister Olivia. They lived close by, and one of them could watch the girls while the other helped him look for Allison. Within minutes they were on the streets surrounding their home looking, maybe she was hurt and twisted her ankle or something. At 7:15 am, Gerard called Police Emergency…..   ____ Researched and written by Anna Priestland   MUSIC 1. ‘Flatline intro’ and ‘Come play with me’ intro and outro 2. All other music and audio clean up performed by Mike Migas and Andrew Joslyn    THIS EPISODE'S SPONSORS MVMT Watches – 15% OFF free shipping and return   RESOURCES Warning – Contains spoilers     BOOKS: ‘The Murder of Allison Baden-Clay’ – by David Murray   AUDIO/VIDEO: 000 Call “Crimes that shook Australia: Gerard Baden-Clay” – produced by Title Role Productions Limited “The Wife Killer” – Channel Nine, Australia   ARTICLES: Large Archive of ‘The Courier Mail’ Newspaper articles following the disappearance, investigation and legal proceedings spanning 2012–2017 – by David Murray, Kate Kyriscou, Brooke Baskin 'It was a single reverse crescendo, tapering off': MP tells murder trial of woman's cry he heard on the night Allison Baden-Clay went missing – Daily Mail Baden-Clay murder trial: Supreme Court jury told of marriage and debt problems – ABC News Baden-Clay murder trial: Mistress tells court she would meet Gerard Baden-Clay up to four times a week – ABC News Allison Baden-Clay's life insurance to go solely to daughters – ABC News Victim impact statements from Baden-Clay trial released – The Chronicle ‘God bless my daughter for leaving those scratch marks on Gerard’s face,’ Allison Baden-Clay’s mother says –    _____ Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents. If you feel at anytime you need support, please contact your local crisis centre. Some suggestions for confidential support for men women and children:   AUSTRALIA: Lifeline Crisis Support: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue: Depression and anxiety support: 1300 22 46 36 Rape & Domestic Violence Services: 1800 737 732 Men's Line:  1300 78 99 78 Headspace: Youth Mental Health Foundation: see for your local centre   USA: Distress &  Lifeline: 1800 273 8255 Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741 741 Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 799 7233 Victim Connect: support for victims of crime: 855 484 2846   UK: Mind: mental health support: 0300 123 3393 SANE: mental health support: 0300 304 7000 Samaritans support network: 116 123 National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300   CANADA: For a list of Canadian crisis centres:


Gerard woke up around 6 am. Allison wasn’t in bed. Their three daughters, then aged ten, eight and five weren’t awake yet. Gerard got out of bed and walked through the house to see if Allison was already up, or if she had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before. She had done that in the past. But she wasn’t there... ____ Researched and written by Anna Priestland [For all credits and sources please visit]

Gerard woke up around 6 am. Allison wasn’t in bed. Their three daughters, then aged ten, eight and five weren’t awake yet. Gerard got out of bed and walked through the house to see if Allison was already up, or if she had fallen asleep on the sofa...
Publishing date
2017-11-04 17:17


Gerard woke up around 6 am.

Allison wasn’t in bed.

Their three daughters, then aged ten, eight and five weren’t awake yet. Gerard got out of bed and walked through the house to see if Allison was already up, or if she had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before. She had done that in the past. But she wasn’t there.

Gerard assumed Allison must have gone for her early morning walk, something she usually did around 6 am, but that would be odd considering she had the conference that day, and she had mentioned wanting to leave by 7. He thought she mustn’t be far away, so he went to the bathroom for a shave.

At 6:20 am he sent Allison a text: ‘Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G.’

At 6:45 am Allison still hadn’t returned home.

Gerard grew concerned, he didn’t want her to be late for the conference, so he tried calling Allison’s phone, but she didn’t answer. He sent Allison another text message saying the girls were ready and could she text him back or call.

He then called his father, Nigel and sister Olivia. They lived close by, and one of them could watch the girls while the other helped him look for Allison. Within minutes they were on the streets surrounding their home looking, maybe she was hurt and twisted her ankle or something.

At 7:15 am, Gerard called Police Emergency…..



Researched and written by Anna Priestland



1. ‘Flatline intro’ and ‘Come play with me’ intro and outro

2. All other music and audio clean up performed by Mike Migas and Andrew Joslyn



MVMT Watches – 15% OFF free shipping and return



Warning – Contains spoilers



‘The Murder of Allison Baden-Clay’ – by David Murray



000 Call

“Crimes that shook Australia: Gerard Baden-Clay” – produced by Title Role Productions Limited

“The Wife Killer” – Channel Nine, Australia



Large Archive of ‘The Courier Mail’ Newspaper articles following the disappearance, investigation and legal proceedings spanning 2012–2017 – by David Murray, Kate Kyriscou, Brooke Baskin

'It was a single reverse crescendo, tapering off': MP tells murder trial of woman's cry he heard on the night Allison Baden-Clay went missing – Daily Mail

Baden-Clay murder trial: Supreme Court jury told of marriage and debt problems – ABC News

Baden-Clay murder trial: Mistress tells court she would meet Gerard Baden-Clay up to four times a week – ABC News

Allison Baden-Clay's life insurance to go solely to daughters – ABC News

Victim impact statements from Baden-Clay trial released – The Chronicle

‘God bless my daughter for leaving those scratch marks on Gerard’s face,’ Allison Baden-Clay’s mother says –



Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents. If you feel at anytime you need support, please contact your local crisis centre. Some suggestions for confidential support for men women and children:



Lifeline Crisis Support: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: Depression and anxiety support: 1300 22 46 36

Rape & Domestic Violence Services: 1800 737 732

Men's Line:  1300 78 99 78

Headspace: Youth Mental Health Foundation: see for your local centre



Distress &  Lifeline: 1800 273 8255

Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741 741

Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 799 7233

Victim Connect: support for victims of crime: 855 484 2846



Mind: mental health support: 0300 123 3393

SANE: mental health support: 0300 304 7000

Samaritans support network: 116 123

National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300



For a list of Canadian crisis centres: