7pm PST Communicate with your loved ones who have crossed to the other side as Adela Lavine, a truly gifted Medium, will be a conduit for our callers during this evening's exciting episode. She has been featured on VH1's hit TV series "Basketball Wives", is featured on KPFK Radio in Los Angeles, and presently has a television show in development. In addition to the Live readings, Adela will also be sharing with our listeners some insight on how this all works. Be sure to phone in early as the Caller Line fills up very quickly. Call-In Line: (818) 337-0013 Visit Adela's website: www.AdelaLavine.com To be notified of future live shows, follow us on Twitter @AlternativeTalk or contact us at www.AlternativeTalkRadio.TV Brought to you by Alternative Talk Radio, a subsidiary of Psychic Adventure