WE GONE HEAVILY HEMP TONIGHT! TENESEE IS AHEAD OF THE CURVE! Listen as we take a light hearted romp through whatever crosses our minds. No sponsors and no sensors, just prue unadulterated BS, like you've become accustomed to. Exploring where only several million people have gone before, plunging the depths of the shallowness of our modern society,... consider it a hitchhiker's guide to staying a healthy level of insane in a Proloft, Zozac addeled world. We're like a breath of manure in an artificially rosey world. If you're having trouble coping with the cognitive dissonance that is our world today...well we can't claim to help but we probably couldn't hurt, too much. Join in with the mundane... I mean fun every Friday evening from 11:30 to midnight. Call in and be our featured guest for the evening. Tell us your experience. We'd love to hear it just need to be the TRUTH! The views expressed on TruthSeekerRadio are not meant to offend anyone that can sue us, disappear us or would be so inclined to perpetrate any other nastyness upon us.