Today's topics: community colleges grapple with sustainability, how universities make sustainable thinking real for students, and connecting to communities through partnerships. First up, Drs. Smith and Simpkin are co-advisors/chairs of the College of Southern Idaho Sustainability Council. This is a unique organization comprised of students, faculty, and staff members. The Council has been active in promoting the construction of a LEED Gold certified building on campus, enhancing campus wide recycling efforts, and promoting sustainable curricula. >>> At the 30 minute mark, Kazi Javed joins us. He is an associate professor of chemistry at KSU. Javed holds a PhD and MS in chemical engineering from Clarkson University. His current research interest is in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology, particularly synthesis and characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. He directs the KSU Center for Environmental Education, which is a member of the Kentucky University Partnership for Environmental Education, a joint partnership between all eight of Kentucky’s public universities. >>> Anil Pahwa, Professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His interests include renewable energy and computer control systems. >>> Email us your questions for the guests to, Tweet us at @sustainable1000, IM on Gtalk @ vannShane or call-in your questions or comments to (347)996-3601. Sustainable 1000 Radio is part of the eco road trip to explore 1000 stories across 48 American states in 222 days. Stop by for hundreds of other thought provoking videos or listen to more interviews here on our Blog Talk Radio station.