Today's topics will include: community development; architecture's impact on sustainability; transforming a college through sustainability; and how to sustain a small town economically, ethically, and ecologically. Our first guest, Cecil Steward is a world expert on sustainable development and sustainable design. Dean emeritus and emeritus professor of architecture and planning at the University of Nebraska College of Architecture in Lincoln, he is president and founder of the International North/North Network for Urban Sustainability and the Joslyn Institute for Sustainable Communities, Omaha/Lincoln. >>> The second guest is Meghna Tare, Director of Sustainability for UT Arlington, she holds a holds a master’s degree in environmental studies from San Jose State University in California and a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of San Francisco. She was an environmental manager with the City of Dallas’ Office of Environmental Quality for the past three years and has taught environmental studies at California State University at Hayward and worked at Stanford University with the Institute of Environmental Science and Policy. >>> Our fourth guest, at the 90 minute mark, is Bruce Snead the current Mayor for Manhattan, Kansas he's also an Extension Specialist, Residential Energy at the Kansas State University. >>> Email us your questions for the guests to, Tweet us at @sustainable1000 -- Sustainable 1000 Radio is part of the eco road trip to explore 1000 stories across 50 American states.