Go the Travel Podcast   /     EP 32: The Secret Room Inside of Mt Rushmore and the Largest US Monument you’ve Never Heard of.


The original design for one of America’s most recognized monuments was very different from its finished product. Lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum meant to depict the four presidents from the waist up and Susan B. Anthony was almost added to the landmark. In this episode, we exploring the obscure history of Mt. Rushmore, the secret room … Continue reading EP 32: The Secret Room Inside of Mt Rushmore and the Largest US Monument you’ve Never Heard of. →


The original design for one of America’s most recognized monuments was very different from its finished product.
Lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum meant to depict the four presidents from the waist up and Susan B. Anthony was almost added to the landmark.
In this episode, we exploring the obscure history of Mt. Rushmore, the secret room built beneath the granite, and the largest US monument you’ve never heard of.

The original design for one of America’s most recognized monuments was very different from its finished product. Lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum meant to depict the four presidents from the waist up and Susan B. Anthony was almost added to the landmark.
Publishing date
2017-11-19 17:52
  Go the Travel Podcast


The original design for one of America’s most recognized monuments was very different from its finished product.

Lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum meant to depict the four presidents from the waist up and Susan B. Anthony was almost added to the landmark.

In this episode, we exploring the obscure history of Mt. Rushmore, the secret room built beneath the granite, and the largest US monument you’ve never heard of.