Wrays | Pioneer   /     Pioneer | The podcast series for serious innovators | Thomas Thurston, Growth Science


Betting on the horse - data science expert brings ground breaking methodology to corporate Australia Thomas Thurston, Data Science expert & Harvard Business School Fellow “Do you bet on the jockey, the team, or the horse? It's the horse.” In our recent Pioneer podcast interview our CEO, Frank Hurley spoke with Thomas Thurston, Managing Director of WR Hambrecht Ventures and Founder and CEO of Growth Science about his experience working along Clay Christensen at Harvard and the ongoing pressure to innovate in today’s business environment. We know that businesses large and small around the world are facing the challenges brought about by digital disruption and the ever growing need to be innovative. Thomas shares his three key learnings following his work with numerous Fortune 500 companies. He also shares the story of Growth Science and how this unique methodology is supporting corporate innovators and their decision making. Thomas has helped to guide growth investments at Intel and ran a long-short hedge fund focused on disruptive investments. In 2005 he helped found a high performance computing business that was later acquired. A Fellow at the Harvard Business School, Thomas holds a BA, MBA and Juris Doctor. He’s an Advisory Board Member at Washington State University, a Fellow at the Disruptor Foundation, a Board Member of the Oregon Smart Labs and a Member of the Harvard Business School Forum for Growth and Innovation.

Betting on the horse - data science expert brings…
Publishing date
2017-05-11 23:51
  Wrays | Pioneer