WHO R THOSE GUYS TALK Presents IF SHE COULDN'T KEEP HER MAN WHY YOU TAKE HER ADVICE? Why is it the girlfriend not in a relationship is the one always giving advice? Time and time again this situation plays outs and the woman receiving the advice does not realize her counselors true intentions. Men easily see through this false facade of friendship as one miserable woman attempting to mislead another for the sake them both being miserable together. Misery loves company, but why is it so hard for women to realize this? Women become so wrapped up in friendship with their girlfriends, that they find it impossible to ever image that their girlfriends would purposely cause them to become lonely and miserable by giving them bad relationship advice. Ladies, we ask one questions: "If she couldn't keep her man, why would you take her advice?" If you can honestly find one good reason to justify you taking advice from a woman that does not have a man, we would love to hear your answer. For all the other women that have been stumped with this question, listen as we expose just how lonely your girlfriends are and to what lengths they go to purposely break up your relationships with bad advice so you will join them in their misery and loneliness!. Follow On Twitter WhoRThoseGuys Inspired & Sponsored By twitter.com?whorthosegirls