Please forgive my headache and tiredness on this one. It has been a long 3 years and today I felt it We are finding “what”, the Motherland of Man “was” is more important to us, than where it was located these days. Without beating around the bush, Annie and I believe the Planet Earth was called Mu and that is one of the main reasons for the state of confusion we have today,, chasing down this lost continent. We are chasing a continent in the Pacific Ocean as being the answer to this mystery when we see we have the answers before us, we are walking right over them. With the evidence stacking up on the table it looks like we have to start accepting that Mu was a global civilization with 10 different races living on it,, Also according to the ancient texts it is logical to reach the conclusion the Hierarchy collapsed due to a catastrophe and left the survivors to fend for themselves in their small, habitable pockets around the planet, don't you think? Makes sense to me. Please join us in our search for Mu."