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À la cave - Advanced French
À la cave - Advanced French – Learn French with Anne’s AUDIO
France is going to La Cave today, that’s her favorite the wine store, boutique. She wants to pick up a bottle of wine. She uses a lot of adjectives, which we’ll study in the companion worksheet. For instance, do you know that Il est gris doesn’t always mean : he is grey, but it can mean “He’s tipsy” and that isabelle is not only a girl’s name, but also a color? Also in the grammar points, is when to use apporter, emporter, amener and emmener. The Culture capsule brings us to this famous Médoc Marathon, where I’ve seen a few runners having to quit from drinking too much red wine en route. Leave it to the French to run a marathon and drink red wine!
In the companion worksheet – 1o pages
* text
* translation
* what's the "Médoc Marathon"
* adjectives in French expressions
* apporter, emporter, amener and emmener
* practice
Text excerpt – transcribe it and check your answers
À la cave
J’suis invitée chez des potes samedi. Faut qu’j’amène une bonne bouteille. J’suis donc allée à la cave du coin. J’adore le …
Get the worksheet here
Related: Wine terms . No corkscrew? No problem . Special colors . Médoc Marathon . Apporter, emporter, amener and emmener .
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le caviste
France is going to La Cave today, that’s her favorite the wine store, boutique. She wants to pick up a bottle of wine. She uses a lot of adjectives, which we’ll study in the companion worksheet. For instance, do you know that Il est gris doesn’t always mean : he is grey, but it can mean “He’s tipsy” and that isabelle is not only a girl’s name, but also a color? Also in the grammar points, is when to use apporter, emporter, amener and emmener. The Culture capsule brings us to this famous Médoc Marathon, where I’ve seen a few runners having to quit from drinking too much red wine en route. Leave it to the French to run a marathon and drink red wine!
À la cave
J’suis invitée chez des potes samedi. Faut qu’j’amène une bonne bouteille. J’suis donc allée à la cave du coin. J’adore le …
Related: Wine terms . No corkscrew? No problem . Special colors . Médoc Marathon . Apporter, emporter, amener and emmener .
How to download and save onto iTunes
The post À la cave – Advanced French appeared first on French Etc.