We take a close look at the development of linkbuilding, and why anchor text has been a very important factor in SEO and backlinks in the past, and further analyse whether or not anchor text still has a role to play in the SERPs and Google’s organic results. Check The Blog ► https://www.rankscanner.com/ You Might Also Like ▼ https://soundcloud.com/rankscanner/google-real-time-api-twitter https://soundcloud.com/rankscanner/rankbrains-algorithms-inside-googles-seo-brain What would you like to know more about? Tweet or comment with your suggestions - I read them all! :-) Watch on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/RankScanner?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe on iTunes ► https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/seo-and-online-marketing/id1138026057 Like on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/RankScanner Follow on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/RankScanner