Youth Achievers USA   /     AMERICAN MENTORS - YouthUSA Road To Zero Wealth


ALL DAY LONG!!! We can debate the benefits of affordable health care, racial inequality, immigration, ethics in government, and at the end of the day, our leaders will have talked through, around and over the single most important issue of our time.   NATIONAL SECURITY and how it relates to America's most vulnerable citizens is a conversation we must have, and now is the best time to have that conversation.  We'll need to start looking at our youth through a NATIONAL SECURITY lens if we expect to reverse some 400 plus years of INSECURITY where we live, learn, work and/or worship.

YouthUSA navigates a "Road To Zero Wealth" from a winner's point of view.
Publishing date
2017-09-26 22:00
  YouthUSA Radio


ALL DAY LONG!!! We can debate the benefits of affordable health care, racial inequality, immigration, ethics in government, and at the end of the day, our leaders will have talked through, around and over the single most important issue of our time.   NATIONAL SECURITY and how it relates to America's most vulnerable citizens is a conversation we must have, and now is the best time to have that conversation.  We'll need to start looking at our youth through a NATIONAL SECURITY lens if we expect to reverse some 400 plus years of INSECURITY where we live, learn, work and/or worship.