On the morning of Saturday, May 3rd, 1997; 33-year-old, single father Gary Patterson woke up before dawn in his home in Waco, Texas. He got dressed in black jeans and a white shirt and boots. He didn’t need to wear a suit to his final job interview, he had already met with one of the business partners, and they had got to know each other pretty well over the previous three weeks. That morning, the 7:30 am flight from Waco to El Paso was the last step in the process – he would meet the company’s CEO, and would hopefully return home that night, the new head of a large housing development project. After a tough few years, things were starting to look up. ____ Researched and written by Anna Priestland NARRATION: Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host MUSIC 1. ‘Flatline intro’ and ‘Come play with me’ intro and outro www.dl-sounds.com 2. All other music and audio clean up performed by Mike Migas and Andrew Joslyn THIS EPISODE'S SPONSORS MVMT Watches – Join the movement RESOURCES Warning – Contains spoilers BOOK: Death in a Texas Desert: and other true crime stories from the Dallas Observer – Carlton Stowers (Chapter 1: Death in the desert) ARTICLES: Death in the Desert – Dallas Observer ARCHIVES: Assistant U.S Attorney Bill Johnston’s Law office website Collection of archive newspaper articles: – Odessa American (Odessa Texas) – The Facts: Clute, Texas The Texas Ranger Dispatch – Issue 15, 2004 Crime and Development in Central America VIDEOS: Interview with the devil – The Investigators (Same footage also shown) Crime Stories: Interview with the Devil OTHER: Chihuahuan Desert – WWF Chihuahuan Desert, US and Mexico – WWF El Paso El Paso named safest large city in America for fourth straight year – KVIA.com Honduras _____ Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents. If you feel at anytime you need support, please contact your local crisis centre. Some suggestions for confidential support for men women and children: AUSTRALIA: Lifeline Crisis Support: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue: Depression and anxiety support: 1300 22 46 36 Rape & Domestic Violence Services: 1800 737 732 Men's Line: 1300 78 99 78 Headspace: Youth Mental Health Foundation: see headspace.org.au for your local centre USA: Distress & Lifeline: 1800 273 8255 Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741 741 Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 799 7233 Victim Connect: support for victims of crime: 855 484 2846 UK: Mind: mental health support: 0300 123 3393 SANE: mental health support: 0300 304 7000 Samaritans support network: 116 123 National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300 CANADA: For a list of Canadian crisis centres: https://thelifelinecanada.ca/help/call/ NEW ZEALAND: Lifeline: 0800 543354 Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757 (Text 4202)
On the morning of Saturday, May 3rd, 1997; 33-year-old, single father Gary Patterson woke up before dawn in his home in Waco, Texas. He got dressed in black jeans and a white shirt and boots. He didn’t need to wear a suit to his final job interview, he had already met with one of the business partners, and they had got to know each other pretty well over the previous three weeks. ____ Researched and written by Anna Priestland [For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com]
On the morning of Saturday, May 3rd, 1997; 33-year-old, single father Gary Patterson woke up before dawn in his home in Waco, Texas.
He got dressed in black jeans and a white shirt and boots. He didn’t need to wear a suit to his final job interview, he had already met with one of the business partners, and they had got to know each other pretty well over the previous three weeks.
That morning, the 7:30 am flight from Waco to El Paso was the last step in the process – he would meet the company’s CEO, and would hopefully return home that night, the new head of a large housing development project.
After a tough few years, things were starting to look up.
Researched and written by Anna Priestland
Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host
1. ‘Flatline intro’ and ‘Come play with me’ intro and outro www.dl-sounds.com
2. All other music and audio clean up performed by Mike Migas and Andrew Joslyn
MVMT Watches – Join the movement
Warning – Contains spoilers
Death in a Texas Desert: and other true crime stories from the Dallas Observer – Carlton Stowers (Chapter 1: Death in the desert)
Death in the Desert – Dallas Observer
Assistant U.S Attorney Bill Johnston’s Law office website
Collection of archive newspaper articles: – Odessa American (Odessa Texas) – The Facts: Clute, Texas
The Texas Ranger Dispatch – Issue 15, 2004
Crime and Development in Central America
Interview with the devil – The Investigators
(Same footage also shown) Crime Stories: Interview with the Devil
Chihuahuan Desert – WWF
Chihuahuan Desert, US and Mexico – WWF
El Paso named safest large city in America for fourth straight year – KVIA.com
Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents. If you feel at anytime you need support, please contact your local crisis centre. Some suggestions for confidential support for men women and children:
Lifeline Crisis Support: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: Depression and anxiety support: 1300 22 46 36
Rape & Domestic Violence Services: 1800 737 732
Men's Line: 1300 78 99 78
Headspace: Youth Mental Health Foundation: see headspace.org.au for your local centre
Distress & Lifeline: 1800 273 8255
Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741 741
Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 799 7233
Victim Connect: support for victims of crime: 855 484 2846
Mind: mental health support: 0300 123 3393
SANE: mental health support: 0300 304 7000
Samaritans support network: 116 123
National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300
For a list of Canadian crisis centres: https://thelifelinecanada.ca/help/call/
Lifeline: 0800 543354
Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757 (Text 4202)