Allison and Brian from Most Important Meal join us to discuss... things. This episode is the second part of a two-part crossover event with Most Important Meal. Go here: and listen to that episode FIRST. Special thanks to @aaronlmgoodwin for our show art. Allison on Twitter: Brian on Twitter: ## Show Notes and Links Most Important Meal ( has joined us! - We get into the QAB Chunk. - Brian asks us about the Smart Connector. - Ry likes his Smart Keyboard for his iPad Pro. - Logitech made this thing: We're not sure about it. - Truj has a Surface Book. - But it doesn't fold flat, so. - Truj keeps her computers in a sleeve. ### BAG TIME - Brian has a really weird bag. - Lemme tell you about YKK zippers. - Brian's bag is not a Tom Bi {cough} n. - Brian has this bag: - It has MOLLE straps. - Truj has a Fjallraven Kanken ( - Top Four Zippers. - #senddanyourbackpack - But, actually, #sendtrujyourbackpacks. - Two is One, and One is None. - Truj doesn't listen to podcasts. - Brian wants a GORUCK ( - #findbriananewbackpack - You need a self-hatred pocket. - Ry's bag has an inadequately-sized "cell phone" pocket. - #teamhump - It's not a tablet, it's a computer. - Travel workflow lifehacks: TSA Pre-Check. - Brian has a lot of hobbit tendencies.