Push Square Podcast   /     Is Outlast 2 The Scarefest It Promises To Be? | Push Square Podcast - Episode 25


Another month of your life has expired and while this brings you closer to the inevitable, sweet embrace of death, you should really look on the bright side of things - It's Push Square Podcast​ time with Ben & Ben! This month we settle down with our mighty editor, Mr Sammy Barker​ to bring you the skinny on two games that couldn't be more different: the follow up to 2012's handy-cam horror, Outlast 2 and the vibrant platformer adventure of the dynamic duo, Yooka-Laylee. As usual, we then work through the main news points of the last month, including some smoking hot takes on Call of Duty WWII, Housemarque's new title and even some rumblings regarding 2017's prestigious E3 event. Moan of the Month returns in all its bitterness where we dissect the notion of returning digital games and then soften that angry blow with an enthusiastic run down of what we've both been playing of late. We then round off the show, as always, with the great questions asked by you guys in our forum thread. We love chatting with you and hearing your feedback about the 'cast, so please feel free to drop a comment in the forum thread, in the comments section, or by emailing us at our fancy pants email: podcast@pushsquare.com. Better yet, if you're a tweeter on the Twittersphere then check us out @pushsquarepod, where we share silly GIFs, decide what the best kind of biscuit is, and all kinds of other Sheninigwans. We'd really love it if you could give that a follow.

Another month of your life has expired and while …
Publishing date
2017-05-03 20:35
  Push Square