This month I interview YouTuber Kevin Jones, also known as Cagey. Cagey is a small time YouTube essayist, a jolly old soul from Scotland. From writing at fan sites he struck out on his own with his own YouTube channel. His output is much shorter than many of the other people we've featured here as he prefers concise arguments. We discuss his worships of the temple of the red pen, ambiguous channel iconography and what he has learned during his time making videos. SHOW NOTESCagey Videos YouTube ChannelKingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders - Last Stand"Great Level: Kingdom Under Fire EXTRASGame Feel Part 1 (of 2): ControlsGame Feel PArt 2 (of 2): PresentationMercenaries and The Deck of 52 - Cagey VideosX-Men: Legends: Sibling RivalryThe Magic MazeRed Barrels are Awesome (And We All Know It) Opening Theme: 'Close' by The Alpha ConspiracyClosing Theme: 'Wishing Never' by The Alpha Conspiracy
An interview with 2016 Critical Distance Journalist of the Year and video producer, Heather Alexandra.