Where Health Lies   /     31 The Essentials of Plant Intelligence


The Sense of smell is so incredibly Powerful.  Even Science today is starting to capitalise on smells in order to increase sales. e.g When Nike introduce a new line of tennis shoes they know to put a certain fragrance around the shoes so people snatch them up.Essentials were essential to Life and Health for so many people in the ancient world.Oils were originally called the Quintessence, however they eventually dropped the 'quint' and then it became essentials.The ancient lady doctors of Egypt wrote about how they would crush plants, soak them in water and the oils would float to the top.  Some of them can only be extracted through heat distillation. The oils of the plant or nut was litterally the nervous system fluids of that Plant = the Intelligence and message in it's highest forms.People with Chromes disease or Colon cancer should drink 1 shot glass of cold pressed extra virgin Olive oil a day.  You will be amazed by how you feel with these healing oils in the body.All of matter can only form itself into 1 of 5 shapes = the 5 shapes of energy or material form. Cubes, Spheres, Equa-distant Crosses, Spirals and the 5 pointed Star.  The ancients looked at the plants to see where they came from and the patterns of these 5 shapes and then looked at the human body and realised the different shapes target those kinds of aspects.  If you weren't feeling well or had a condition you were struggling with, they would take a drop of each of the 7 oils on a clay piece.  They would dip it into 1 of the oils and put it under your nose, which would go directly into the brain. They would ask you to measure the fragrance of the oils in 4 ways = Very pleasing, Pleasing, Not so pleasing or Yuck.  They had an interesting way of applying the essential oils.  They would take the very pleasing and pleasing and apply it to the Left side of the body in very specific locations, because they believed that Death and Disease exited through the left ear.  They took the not so pleasing and yuk and put it on the Right side as they believed that Health and Life entered in through the Right ear.  The oils would go in and out and bring Healing and Repair and Remission of disease.Oils in the ancient world came down to Supporting, Purifying and building the 5 aspects of ourselves = Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Socially and Financially.In 2002 National Geographic found and photographed another tomb with clay pieces (pallets) and talked about the 7 sacred oils of the ancients.Air, Fire, Earth and Water over time became an acronym of where we get the word "a few" and over time they combined into the oils of all plants. A lot of the healing took place in the burning of the oils.People should read about and look into essential oils.  They aren't dangerous. Don't listen to the hype.  There are ways to use essential oils and ways not too.Their are 3 ways to eat herbs.  Now we dry them up and use them in other ways that aren't beneficial.  We need to get back to what the ancients did.Breathing in certain oils can knock out a Viral overload.  It supports the lungs in remising, and it doesn't suppress.Essential oils are a huge part of the whole food Medicine that have been with us throughout the entire collective of the human experience.Cabala is a name that Don gave this juice for an offering, because in the ancient world in 12 - 13 different cultures it was considered to be one of the most sacred sacraments that you could take in to the temple for a period of time.  Juice 1 kilo of Carrots, 3 Apples - 1 red, green and yellow, 1/3 of a large Beetroot, 1 whole Lemon (peel and all) and it will make about 1Litre of juice.  Drinking this will remise disease and extend your life.H.E.L.P = Helichrysum, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint.  Use them all in equal parts to themselves.  If you have a sore neck or joints put it on the part that is bothering you.  If you can't sleep, put this on your pillow.  It is a perfect blend.Peppermint gives focus, mental clarity and energy.  Perfect for people or kids diagnosed with A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.If we don't have enough people take back their own Self care and take responsibility for their health and the health of their children in decades ahead we are heading towards a possible tsunami of destruction of the human experience.  It is the forces of corporate greed which have no thought about the destruction and the wake that they are leaving behind them.  Make little tiny baby step changes.  We can all learn how to be healthy and extend our lives so that our creativity and imagination can turn the world around.  What if foods really effect our emotions?  One small change can lead to a complete Success story.

The Sense of smell is so incredibly Powerful.  Even Science today is starting to capitalise on smells in order to increase sales. e.g When Nike introduce a new line of tennis shoes they know to put a certain fragrance around the shoes so people...
Publishing date
2014-08-06 16:00
  Don Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man