Where Health Lies   /     28 The 7 Principles of Health


Prevention is litterally referring to the ancient notion and truthfulness that our body is tubes and they need to Vent. It is a word that means Flow or to Pre-vent.In the 21st century if you want to avoid the critical Chronic conditions that can develop, and also becoming a Victim to the fight against Disease, we need to go back and embrace the Principles of Health.In ancient times people went to museums and libraries to learn the Nocis (to know), Pracsis (to do), Entelicis (to be) and actually lived by the 7 principles of health.To tell if something is 'Bad Science' you should look for 1 thing - when this Scientific Study was done was it bought and paid for by a company to bring a Product to market?The Electrical Frequencies of fresh whole foods litterally pass the Ion Electric Force right into the cells and when were eating Synthetic, processed, artificial stuff over time and distance we are completely dishonouring the Electric Magnetic force in nature that the cells thrive onCheck out Don's audio called 'Methuselah's Secret'#1 Air (means in Latin spirit) is like Electricity, we don't know what it is,  life is Movement and if it's not, it's dying or dead.  Air is no different. Air has to move to be Electrically alive.  The greatest source of electricity is literally the air we Breath.  Ventilation and Circulating air will help you avoid 9 out of 10 Cold and Lung problems that occur in the winter months.#2 Water is highly Electrical, the way to electrify water is the way Nature does. Ancient cultures saw it and Replicated it in a very easy way.  Pour Water through the air and it electrifies it to 50 or less, this will bring your Cells alive with Electric Force.  What studies have shown is that we should be drinking daily about 1L for every 22kgs.  Water is critical.   Your body has the capacity to take clean water from whatever Source and do it's magic. The University of California published a 3 year investigative Study as they wanted to find out what kind of Stress was put on the Kidneys by drinking 400L of LA tap water and 1 can of soda pop. The 400L of tap water was less stressful on the kidneys that 1 can of soda pop.#3 Sunshine. What the science shows is that what causes Skin Cancer is when a person 1. Doesn't stay Hydrated with enough Water and 2. Doesn't have enough Fresh, in Season, locally Grown Fruits in the diet. Spending 20 - 30 mins daily in the Sun is one of the most Healthy principles that you can embrace in Preventing all kinds of things that are going on.  Research shows that Sunshine actually clears up and Remits over a dozen Cancers, some of the most deadly.#4 Walking. Studies have been done because of what it does for the Cerebral Spinal mass, as well as the entire Nervous System.  The Cross Patterning movement, just that movement, actually enlivens the entire nervous system and creates the Flux or the Nerve flow.  Also the Lymphatic System can only purify, move and clean the body if you walk.  If you walk (or stroll) for 45mins - 1 hour all kinds of incredible things are taking place at levels that we are not even Conscious of.  Walking is how you Strengthen the fabric of your Emotions.#5 Whole foods.  The Plant kingdom.  Their's all kinds of collective evidence over the entire course of the Human Experience that shows a Plant based Diet seems to have an effect on the Temprement of the human experience which is good, kind and leads to a Disease free Culture and Society and adds to a person's Longevity.  "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is actually a truest truth.  The smartest thing people can do is eat Locally and support the local Growers, fresh is what is Critical, more so than Organic.  It's the Electro Chemical frequency of the volatile Fluids of fresh that your cells identify with.  That's why you should eat locally.#6 Non-toxic relationships are so critical, we must have loving relationships in our lives.  Their's studies that show that if you honestly believe that just 1 person loves you it builds the Neuro-immune response in ways that it doesn't build otherwise.  Also if you happen to love that same person back theres a Multiplying factor that comes into play.#7Passion creates Longevity and studies have shown that whenever someone is Passionate about something, get's a kick out of it and it makes you happy to be involved in that activity, it keeps us going up to 18 years longer than if you don't have something you have really zeroed in on and been passionate about.  Reflect on your passion right in the moment.  This is the power of Memory and Passion.

Prevention is litterally referring to the ancient notion and truthfulness that our body is tubes and they need to Vent. It is a word that means Flow or to Pre-vent. In the 21st century if you want to avoid the critical Chronic conditions that can...
Publishing date
2014-07-27 16:00
  Don Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man