Where Health Lies   /     27 The Myth of Cancer


Host Paul Dunn recommends the show 'The Lion in the House'.We need to unravel the Mystery of Disease. In the 21st century we've got to get back some of the most Basic, Common sense, Logical and Reasonable approaches to things that are wrong in the body.Most people are not aware that it is stated in Published Medical Journals that nearly every case of childhood Leukaemia was brought on by the Vaccinations they received as children.Today in the USA alone, Iatrogenic Genocide (doctor induced deaths) is the Number 3 killer of American people (2 million deaths per year).We have been Trained regarding 'Health Care' by the Medical schools that are built, paid for and whose curriculums are written and put into place by the Pharmaceutical Industry, who put in lobbyists and passed State Laws for state Licensing of the Medical Doctors all done by the pharmaceutical industry, the largest Industry in the World.Health care today is Sick care and it is the perpetuation of Disease for the sales and use of products  and procedures.The Cancer Foundation have spent over 47 years and 3 Trillion Dollars in the War against Cancer, yet still they have no answer.We've gone from 1 in 8,000 people in 1908 having cancer, to 1 in 3 people today having cancer.What if Cancer is nothing but a Myth, it's actually our friend, what if the Body and its Autogenic Self Healing and Replicating system knows how to Heal itself if we will simply support the Process.There's so much Money in Fear and the Control that comes from that fear and the consumption of the procedures and the products and medications that play in all of that.We have to realise that Physically the Human body is nothing more and nothing less than a set of tubes and there's only so many things that can happen to tubes, they can be Smashed, Cut, Burnt, become Weak in there lining and Burst, Balloon or most commonly become Clogged.Clogged tubes is the money making mystery and 90% of all human disease.Alot of people don't realise that the Symptoms of disease are the bodies method of Curing the disease.  Instead of getting to the real cause of the Problem we take that symptom and treat it like it is the problem.9 out of 10 Headaches are caused by Dehydration of the brain, people aren't drinking enough water.When we Medicate we are stopping the bodies cure, not Assisting itWe need to get clear on how to support the body so that it can undo all the crap and the Macrophage (large Eating Cells) will come in and take on the construction.Don't take your Doctors word for anything and don't take lab tests first time around, get a different lab test if your really that concerned, but make sure the labs don't know each other.It is absolutely the Reverse and we are creating the Death of Millions of people in our Attack and in our Fight against Disease.More people die of the Treatments for Prostate and Breast Cancer in the USA than any other cancers, and yet by there own Admission those 2 cancers are the most easily Remitted on your own.Don says "I'm just a guy, that understands some simple little things that have worked for Humanity for Thousands of years, and they still work, the world hasn't changed, our technologies have, but Mother Nature and Creation is Complex, but it hasn't Changed".Self Care takes having enough Knowledge that you have enough Confidence to embrace the Natural Processes of our Physiology and going into it knowing fully well that you can Remise the conditions that are not good in Anatomical sights and within our Physiology.  Just long enough to get the confidence of getting a Result.

Host Paul Dunn recommends the show 'The Lion in the House'. We need to unravel the Mystery of Disease. In the 21st century we've got to get back some of the most Basic, Common sense, Logical and Reasonable approaches to things that are wrong in the...
Publishing date
2014-07-23 16:00
  Don Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man