Where Health Lies   /     23 Whole Food Signatures


Q. On the subject of Hip Joints, what Whole Food Signatures can I target to Eliminate Osteoarthritis pain, locking and impingement?  A. Our bones are about 23% Sodium, if you don't have enough Salt then you lack sodium and your bones lock up/impingement. 1.  You want to make sure you start eating more real salt - called Sodium Chloride, this is either Rock salt, good Sea salt or Himalayan pink celtic or 2. Go on a Raw Food Diet for 28days (celery, bok choy, rhubarb, anything that looks like a bone). You will see the pain and diminishment within typically 3 weeks. Any Back or Nerve pain, get a bottle of Helichrysum essential oil and apply it topically to the site of the pain and just rub it in.Your Liver takes 90 days to completely Replace itself, Bones take 2 years to replace themselves.Every Anatomical and Physiologicalsite and function in your body replaces itself continuously, that's why when we make changes that are Good and stay with it, you Heal.There's certain Oils you should and shouldn't heat.  The best way to test, is if it Smokes, don't use it for cooking. You are no longer eating that Oil, you are eating something that has Chemically, Electrically Shifted and you don't want to put that in your body.Eating a Raw Food Diet with Variety of colours is the best thing to do as it Represents the Different Physiology's of the body as well as the different Emotions that we Experience in a Positive way.Red coloured foods = Warmth, Love, Power, Strength (eat these for muscle problems).Olives specifically target the Ovaries.If a man is too overtly Masculine he should eat more Feminine foods.Every food either has a Feminine or a Masculine Signature, e.g. Oranges are feminine.Published Medical Studies show the Number #1 thing to Heal Prostate, Colon and Breast Cancers is to go out in the Sunshine.One of the Number #1 causes of Breast Cancer is Bra Straps, it pushes down and won't allow the Lymph Channels that drain the waste from the Cells and the Breasts, out of the body. If your wearing a bra for more than 8 hours a day your moving into a Danger Zone.Q. What makes Farts smell, is this a Symptom of something else? A. Their are Sulphuring Molecules in all foods, they are there to Protect you from any type of Bacterial Overwhelm. It's very Healthy and Balancing, however there are certain smells that are of Rot and Decay which means its a Signal to go for a Walk, go to the toilet, Drink more Water and cut down on certain things in the Diet - typically Dead Animals.

Q. On the subject of Hip Joints, what Whole Food Signatures can I target to Eliminate Osteoarthritis pain, locking and impingement?  A. Our bones are about 23% Sodium, if you don't have enough Salt then you lack sodium and your bones lock...
Publishing date
2014-07-09 16:00
  Don Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man