Where Health Lies   /     22 Heart Burn, Digestion, Ferments, Flu etc


Q.  How can you avoid taking Nexium and what Fruit and Vegetables are best to avoid Heartburn?  A.  If you really want to heal the damage that has been done, and to get rid of the Medicinal Residues that the Nexium has left in your body, then you need to go on 1. a Diet of Apples and Water for 14days 2. a Diet of Fermented foods (It will be tough, but it's better than having a heart attack, having a stroke or some other problem) or 3. Organic milk, Aged Cheese with Vegetable Enzymes, Live Cultured Yogurts, Kefirs, Sauerkraut, Apple Cider Vinegar with a bit of Honey and Lemon in it, and this will Re-establish the gut.Honey is a very very Healthy, brilliant Nutritional Component of mother nature.Our first bite of food is what the ancients thought to be an Offering and called 'The Widows Mite' which basically stands for 'Less is More'. You should always chew your first bite into liquid form before gulping down the rest of it.  Same goes for liquids, if you swish your drink in your mouth before you swallow it, it is a prefatory affect of electrical frequency that sets the body up for whats to follow.Fruit acids (apples and lemons) cause the body to Produce Alkaline, if you just eat things that are alkaline then the body has to Over Produce Acids to Digest it, this can cause Reflux and Ulcerations.Meat is alkaline, so your body has to produce a lot of acid to break down meat.Don shares about a baby he helped at the age of 2 1/2 yrs old, that couldn't walk or talk because it had never Consumed any Whole foods or been given Water. It was just fed junk food.We should Drink good Organic Milk.Don's realised that we have Lost the very phrases of a 'Land of Milk and Honey'. The land of our Inheritance. Milk and Honey used to be mixed and Consumed in a very special Time of year. It was a Drink of the Gods which they believed lead to Health and Reconstruction.Q.  After taking a course of Antibiotics and Nasal sprays from Flu symptoms, I have lowered my Immune system and now it reoccurs often. How can I get my System Naturally back on track?  A. If you Eat Sweets with Meat there's a Fermentation and Rot that takes place so fast that your body wants to puke, have the runs and develop fevers.  This usually happens at Holiday Seasons so Avoid eating dead animal with sweets, and you will Avoid the flu!  A Flu is all Functional Systems of your own Physiology trying to get rid of an Extreme Offence, it's not from a bug that floated through the air. If you go on Raw Food and Drink Water for 28days, you won't have the Flu or Recurrences or any kind of Infections.A Flu is a Functional Disorder of the Body trying to throw out an Offence that has been taken in by you.  It was finally later admitted that the swine flu vaccine was what actually killed over 100,000 people.

Q.  How can you avoid taking Nexium and what Fruit and Vegetables are best to avoid Heartburn?  A.  If you really want to heal the damage that has been done, and to get rid of the Medicinal Residues that the Nexium has left in your...
Publishing date
2014-07-06 16:00
  Don Tolman: The Whole Food Medicine Man