This episodes title is pretty self explanatory, but this show is a quick overview or how Permaculturists approach dealing with pests in the garden. It all comes down to creating a healthy and balanced environment. As a side bar I … Continue reading →
This episodes title is pretty self explanatory, but this show is a quick overview or how Permaculturists approach dealing with pests in the garden. It all comes down to creating a healthy and balanced environment. As a side bar I want to mention that we are moving our release date to Friday. It seems that it works much better for scheduling.
This episodes title is pretty self explanatory, but this show is a quick overview or how Permaculturists approach dealing with pests in the garden. It all comes down to creating a healthy and balanced environment.
As a side bar I want to mention that we are moving our release date to Friday. It seems that it works much better for scheduling.
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