Misdirected Mark Productions   /     Cypher Speak Episode 17: Cypher Friends at Gen Con


Warning: this is rambly, and there is a minor SPOILER for the Predation adventure Cawdor Complex at 15:44-16:00. Troy & Darcy just returned from Gen Con and break down their experiences (Cypher & otherwise) while still slightly beset by the tail end of bronchitis, con crud, and eclipse madness. The major reveal was Numenera 2: … Continue reading »


Warning: this is rambly, and there is a minor SPOILER for the Predation adventure Cawdor Complex at 15:44-16:00. Troy & Darcy just returned from Gen Con and break down their experiences (Cypher & otherwise) while still slightly beset by the tail end of bronchitis, con crud, and eclipse madness. The major reveal was Numenera 2: … Continue reading »

Gen Con 2017 news! Numenera 2 Discovery & Destiny! Minor Predation adventure spoilers 15:44-16:00
Publishing date
2017-08-28 15:20
  Darcy Ross


Warning: this is rambly, and there is a minor SPOILER for the Predation adventure Cawdor Complex at 15:44-16:00.

Troy & Darcy just returned from Gen Con and break down their experiences (Cypher & otherwise) while still slightly beset by the tail end of bronchitis, con crud, and eclipse madness.

The major reveal was Numenera 2: Discovery and Destiny! It’s not quite a new edition, but a shine-up and expansion of the core game experience into two corebooks. Numenera Discovery will serve much the same purpose as the existing corebook, but Numenera Destiny will bring tools to your table to facilitate community building, crafting, and not just looking back on the wonders of the past, but creating a world worthy of the “Ninth World” title. Also, everything is forwards compatible! We’re really excited. More to come!

Torment: Tides of Numenera – the Explorer’s Guide went home with the silver ENnie award for Best Cover Art – it’s an amazing piece by  Chang Yuan.


Did you go to Gen Con? Play any Cypher System games? Will you be coming next year?

Keep in touch & let us know your thoughts on the show or anything in the CypherSphere!

Thanks for all the support so far!