This show segment marks the 7th Anniversary of House Thoughts X-change. It has been seven years since I started the show HTX. August 23 was when I did the first official show, and ironically the book release falls on the 7th Anniversary of the show. Today's show will featuring Author C.D. Vaughn. She is a minister as well as the visionary of the I.A.N.M.Y. Ministry for women. She is the author of the upcoming book, "Walking Away From Your Yesterday: A 28 Day Devotional." "Why a day to day devotional? When I was going through, wanting to walk away from certain things I was holding on to, I needed day to day guidance. Change is constant, the moment you become stagnant, you jeopardize your chances of a true healing. I want everyone to receive the change they desire in any way I can help," C.D.Vaughn. So the upcoming book is schedule to be released August 23rd, and the Book release & Book Signing is scheduled to take place at Deliverance Tabernacle Christian Center 1780 West Detroit Blvd Pensacola, Florida 32574.