In the final part of my series with the team at JustGiving, I talk to Andy Meikle, Head of People, on JustGiving’s approach to recruitment, culture and organisational structure, and how that helps them achieve their organisational goals. Andy and discuss how they find the right people for JustGiving, the essential skills that they look for and how they attract great talent in a very competitive digital skills market. We also explore the decisions on how to layout the offices, reflected the culture and behaviour they JustGiving think they need to reach their goals and have a happy and fulfilled team, as well as some of the ideas that didn’t work out so well and what they learned from them. Andy offers some tips to charities and mission-driven organisations on how to start to develop the new organisational culture and attract the right skilled people into their evolving teams. Andy and I also discuss what the most important skills for individuals and organisations to take onboard to “nudge” the world to be a better, and the some of the resources out there like Culturevist and, that you help you do that and that Andy shares his thoughts on the trends in people and business culture management do Andy thinks are useful, to help transform and help organisations to reach their goals, and what the future of how we work is shaping up and the change we all need to start thinking about, as we develop our ongoing plans. I also look at a brilliant blog on that looks at the future impact of messaging apps on online campaigning , new digital research tool from Tactical Tech called Explore the Invisible, and a great piece of storytelling content from Marvel Comics and ABCNews. More descriptions and all the links are available in the show notes on