Conspiracy This Week podcast and website is a reality check. The definition of conspiracy is “The act of conspiring together or an agreement amongst conspirators.” It originates from the word conspiri which means “The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.” So we ask the question isn’t everything a conspiracy? The mainstream media has done an incredible job equating conspiracy with a lone nut like Lee Harvey Oswald. In fact, the very idea that an individual could accomplish such a task alone is not only ridiculous but a complete fabrication. On this website we seek the truth and with you the listener and my podcast we can educate the people and provide a logical and alternative opinion that is not heard today in the mainstream media. My guests are not only highly educated, but they are individuals that are honest and have the integrity needed to get to the truth. Tune in to my Podcast on Tune In Radio at Conspiracy News Radio or on my facebook page at : Conspiracy This Week