Bro.Johnny   /     Sex, Love and Thought (How We Fell From Gods Grace)


While generation after generation of our youth are falling victom to Satans influence, the method of which he uses to infiltrate their thoughts has to be identified, exposed, and explained in such a manner that our children will atleast have a fighting chance at living a "normal life."       What appears "Normal" in this life is in most cases "Abnormal", but since "everyone" is doing it, we feel a sense of relief from guilt for engaging in what is wrong. And now in most cases, the "wrong" gets rewarded: which only fuels the satan of self to desire more "wrong."      Sex, Love and Thought: will take a look into the minds of children from three different perspectives, join us and find out what these vital points of interest are, how satan can influence them internally and externally, and how we can protect our children and ourselves from this onslaught of negative influence.

While generation after generation of our youth are falling victom to Satans influence, the method of which he uses to infiltrate their thoughts has to be
Publishing date
2012-04-01 22:00
  Gruv19 Radio


While generation after generation of our youth are falling victom to Satans influence, the method of which he uses to infiltrate their thoughts has to be identified, exposed, and explained in such a manner that our children will atleast have a fighting chance at living a "normal life."       What appears "Normal" in this life is in most cases "Abnormal", but since "everyone" is doing it, we feel a sense of relief from guilt for engaging in what is wrong. And now in most cases, the "wrong" gets rewarded: which only fuels the satan of self to desire more "wrong."      Sex, Love and Thought: will take a look into the minds of children from three different perspectives, join us and find out what these vital points of interest are, how satan can influence them internally and externally, and how we can protect our children and ourselves from this onslaught of negative influence.