Eric Olsen is the founder, editor-in-chief and publisher of broad-based online critical magazine Blogcritics and author of local Cleveland blog Cleve-blog. He is a widely read and influential blogger. His primary site, Blogcritics has gathered together over 1500 authors on a wide variety of topics and is a widely read news/information site with over 64,000 unique visits per day, and 50 new articles and reviews posted daily on a variety of topics. Based on the same model of editor-influenced citizen journalism, Desicritics was started by Aaman Lamba, under the guidance of Eric Olsen. Olsen was named a Trendsetter on the AlwaysOn/Technorati Open Media 100—a "power list of bloggers, social networkers, tool smiths, and investors leading the Open Media Revolution," in 2005.